In this issue…

  10. UNHINDERED 2003

  1. FOUR-WEEK CROSS-CULTURAL PREPAREDNESS INTENSIVE — Designed to equip the missionary with the skills necessary for effective and enduring cross-cultural ministry, this course covers Becoming a student of culture (research required); Entering and beginning a cross-cultural ministry; Discovering existing social structure—systems of relationships and processes; Developing ministry plans based on cultural understanding; Transition process; Culture shock; Realistic expectations; Marriage/single/family preparedness; TCK identity and issues; Practical mechanics of getting to the field; Development of appropriate interpersonal skills, including listening skills, building trust, problem solving, coping with crisis and suffering; Conflict and confrontation skills; and Dynamics of effective teams and team leaders. Dates for the course are May 28-June 20, 2003 at the Center for Intercultural Training campus in North Carolina. For more info email or call 800.887.1786 or log on at </>

  2. TALKING BIBLE SUNDAYS — Audio Scriptures International in California is praising God for the growing number of churches observing a “Talking Bible Sunday.” Visually impaired people love these Talking Bibles when reading has become difficult. In USA Talking Bibles are available in English, NIV and KJV and in Spanish. The cost of the Talking Bible is $49.95. (includes shipping). Readers are invited to contact ASI’s Talking Bible Project at 1-800-318-7252.

  3. CHRISTIAN HOSPITALITY NETWORK — Thanks to Christian innkeepers, more than 400 bed and breakfast inns now provide rooms and suites for pastors and missionaries at substantially reduced rates. These inns are located in all 50 states, Canada, England, Honduras, Nicaragua, Thailand and the US Virgin Islands. Each inn offers a minimum of 25% discount to full-time Christian workers. Many innkeepers offer substantially greater discounts. These innkeepers, members of the newly-formed Christian Hospitality Network, recognize the challenges of full-time Christian service and seek to be an encouragement. They invite you to visit their website at: .

  4. CIRCUIT RIDERS — This is an invitation to join the mailing list of the international Circuit Riders, a movement of professional and volunteer non-profit (NPO) and non-governmental (NGO) technology assistance providers. A Circuit Rider is someone who provides technology assistance to the nonprofit sector. The help a Rider gives varies from helping to set up a local area network (LAN) to coaching an Executive Director to advocate for technology funding to the board. Part technology cheerleader, evangelist and skilled technologist, Riders come in many forms. In some cases foundations fund several Riders to service their grantees. Riders sometimes are housed within existing technology support provider organizations. Many Riders operate as independent consultants and in some cases a community of nonprofits might pool resources and hire a Rider. The circuit riding community grew out of the U.S. progressive social change and environmental movements, as well as other technology assistance efforts. The Riders hold an annual conference, The Round-Up, and also currently engage in a strategic planning process to determine some coordinated future actions. If the above sounds like the work you do, they’d love you to join. Information on subscribing to their mailing list is at:

  5. GETAWAY WILDERNESS RETREAT — The “near-wilderness” cabin in the Pike National Forest, 30 minutes from Colorado Springs, is ten minute’s hike from the ranch house of Windmill Meadow Ranch. Originally a family project as a fort for the grandsons, this hand-hewn log cabin is in a beautiful, very quiet section of the property away from lights and any civilized noised except for the occasional over-flying airplane. Ambition got the better of grandpa who’s turned it to a getaway perfect for the pastor, missionary or worker (including couples) who needs to write, reflect, get in touch or just (really !) get away. It’s the hike-in, rustic, dirt-floor, self-support version of the “Elegance and the Wild West” B&B cabin for missionaries on the ranch. No charge, thanks to the courtesy of the owner, <>. </>

  6. APOLOGIES TO NETSCAPERS — Our apologies to those using Netscape. We understand there are formatting problems for Netscape users at our website. We’ll be studying the issues and seeking solutions.

  7. A FREE EZINE ON MISSIONS RESEARCH AND INFORMATION — Jaffarian’s Missions Research Ezine is a monthly publication by Michael Jaffarian, who is an Associate Research Editor for the World Christian Encyclopedia, a contributor to Operation World, and the Research Coordinator for CBInternational. It includes facts and quotes, informal book reviews, corrections of misinformation, and a few things (like informal film reviews) just for fun. Missions mobilizers, scholars, and executives often ask Michael questions about missions statistics, information, and ideas, and some of his better answers show up in this ezine. The most recent issue includes his article, “So is the American Missions Movement Growing or Not?” To subscribe, simply write <> and ask to be put on “the ezine list”. </>

  8. THE BEST LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM? — A worldwide media ministry with a strong missions emphasis is looking for proven leadership development materials or curricula that can be used successfully among diverse groups and cultures. Many such programs authored in North America lack cross-cultural understanding and/or application. This ministry needs something that will resonate with people from European, Asian, Caribbean, and Latin American backgrounds, among others. If you know of and can recommend titles of resources, materials or curricula that fit the bill, let Mark know at <> . We’ll ask Mark to report back to us once he’s done. </>

  9. VIDEO PRODUCTION SERVICES FOR MISSIONARIES — Here’s a ten-year veteran of television production offering services to help missionaries generate awareness and raise funds through the use of video and multimedia. He’s got experience in Spain, North Africa, and Honduras working for missionaries, and a complete DV camera package with editing and a desire to honor God with exceptional productions. Contact Rodney, MullMan Pictures, 770.385.7085 (USA) or <>.>

  10. UNHINDERED 2003 — Antioch Network is sponsoring “Unhindered 2003” this June 25-29 in Frisco, Colorado. This event is specifically aimed at bringing together young adults from around the world who have a common passion of seeing the world evangelized, and churches planted among the unreached peoples and cities of the world. This is not a conference for the lukewarm or the faint-hearted, but for those desiring God’s very best in their lives. Prayerfully consider joining us this summer in the Colorado Rockies for this special event. For more information, including registration information, check out the website or write .

  11. STOPPED BY “WORLDCHRISTIANS.ORG” SITE LATELY? — The site’s director wrote this past week, “Interestingly for every 1 e-mail contact and hit we have from the English speaking world we have at least 25 from the Spanish speaking world, and the Francophone world which we have just begun to serve is already at almost the same level of interest as the English speaking world. Most of the French speaking interest is from African nations and sadly not from Europe which is our least fruitful area, especially our own United Kingdom.” Telling, to say the least. He added, “As you were the original launch vehicle of our World Christian news and training pages three years ago, you’ll be interested to know we just passed 2,000,000 hits this week! Well done, World Christians!

  12. WEB TRICKS, BY DAN — Thanks to Dan, who sent in this note… ” For example, if you wanted to know all the other sites that link to the Brigada site, go to . Type in the search box “” (without the quotes). Click search. For the Brigada site it shows that there are about 403 hits. Some of the hits are on the Brigada site itself so have to be discounted, but it lets you see who has linked to your site. Can be done for any site by changing the URL in the Google search box. Another trick that saves lots of typing in IE is just entering “google” or “cnn” or “usatoday” in the IE address / URL box. Pressing Ctrl+Enter adds the “http://www.” at the beginning and the “.com” a the end and takes you to the appropriate site. I have not found a combination that does this for .org or .net addresses.” Thanks Dan!

  13. LARGE-SCALE ENTERPRISES — Are there large-scale microenterprise development providers in your area, but you don’t know how to work with them? Is there a benefit for the people you minister to if you could learn how to do this? Following is just one of the courses we are offering in May 2003: Partnering with Large-Scale Microenterprise Development Providers: Many churches and missionaries are located in regions in which there are large-scale, microenterprise development programs operated by Christian and secular agencies. The presence of such organizations provides the potential for effective partnership. However, such partnership does not happen automatically and is often inhibited by lack of mutual respect and understanding between the partners. This course is designed to help churches and missionaries in the Two-Thirds World to understand large-scale providers in order to foster more effective partnerships.

    Enter the second annual Christian Economic Development Institute running from May 19-30, 2003, and sponsored by the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, USA (10 minutes from Chattanooga, TN). Recognized by many as the leading expert on urban missions, Dr. Ray Bakke, Executive Director of Urban International Associates, is the keynote speaker. This training opportunity will give you the tools you need to minister effectively to the poor in Christ’s name. For more information, please visit our website at, e-mail us at <>, or call us at 706.419.1805. </>

  14. FREE TENTMAKING SEMINARS — Global Opportunities tentmaking seminars are attracting record numbers of people. GO and find out why, at their next seminars in Knoxville TN, Minneapolis MN, Sidney BC Canada and their first ever tentmaking course in Europe. Check their website for additional seminars and courses as well as a wealth of resources on tentmaking including free download of the tentmaking journal GO World. GO reports that up to 30% of those attending their seminars and courses first find out about them from Brigada! or email Ari at .

  15. TESOL TRAINING WITH PRACTICUM –- Asia’s Center for TESOL has a five week intensive TESOL course in Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines taught by experienced American instructors and includes a teaching practicum. The course dates are April 7th – May 9th, 2002. The cost is only $370 US dollars, this includes 5 books, and curriculum. The cost for Philippine citizens is P8,000 pesos. The course combines the academic with the practical. For more information write to Sam or Melody at <> or Box 1415 QCCPO, Quezon City 1154, Philippines 632-658-3807. </>