Brigada – 2024-10-13

1) How to Get Live AI-Translation into 35 Languages on Your Next Zoom Meeting

1) How to Get Live AI-Translation into 35 Languages on Your Next Zoom Meeting

Got friends who speak another language? (In this business, who *doesn’t*???!) Wish you could enable your church to feature real-time translation of your sermons in any one of 35 languages every time you meet? Now you can allow your entire meeting/community to see real-time translations of your trainings and/or services for just $5/month (on top of your regular $15/month Zoom account — assuming, of course, they speak one of the 35 languages Zoom has already integrated into their AI library). And get this: Each listener will get to pick the language he or she will be speaking as well as the language he or she will be seeing in the real-time caption translation. You could have 10 people on the Zoom call — and each of the 10 could choose a completely different preferred language. And every participant on the call will experience the captions in his or her preferred tongue. Whoa. Crazy. We’ve been publishing Brigada since January 1995. This has to be one of the most exciting power-enabling Cool Tools we’ve ever shared. Installation is tricky – but there’s nothing to install. Everything is already built into Zoom itself. No outside entity sees your content. Your call is still encrypted with Zoom’s end-to-end encryption. In order to find out how, just click “Read More.” You’ll be glad you did. read more…

6) New Book: Reaching Muslims for Christ

6) New Book: Reaching Muslims for Christ

William Saal’s classic work, Reaching Muslims for Christ, is back in print! Saal was director of Arab World Ministries & his book equipped countless workers as a treasury of facts, history, analysis and real life examples. Former AWM worker, D.A. Cross, has updated and expanded the book with new chapters and insights. This book is available at Amazon or at

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7) The 1615 Podcast

7) The 1615 Podcast

Last week we asked Brigada readers for their favorite disciple-making podcast (  One replied that they enjoy the 1615 Podcast (thanks, Naphtali).  Mark 16:15 tells us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” They talk with ministry leaders, evangelists, and missionaries and others who live out the commission and share Jesus naturally in today’s culture.  What are some of your favorites? Please comment!

8) Favorite Missional Books

8) Favorite Missional Books

Last week, we asked what missional books you had read thus far in 2024 (  Here are two favorites mentioned by Brigada readers: Missions on Point: the Local Church at the Heart of Ecclesiology and Missiology by David Meade (found here: and Cabbages in the Desert by Aila Tasse with Dave Coles (found here:  What book is a must read?  Please comment.

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9) How Would We Know (When Not to Trust Airline Food)?

9) How Would We Know (When Not to Trust Airline Food)?

Suppose you’re flying back from Europe and 4 people next to you suddenly take ill. Suppose you realize that they also selected the chicken (instead of pasta). What do you do? You divert to the closest airport. Why? Well you certainly don’t want half your passengers (specifically — those who chose chicken) to come down with food poisoning at 35,000 feet. That’s what happened on a recent Delta flight bound from Detroit to Amsterdam. So what’s our take-away from this? We’re kind of a captive audience to their catering, right? It has given me pause lately on several international and domestic flights. Your take? Obviously, this is very rare. But still… Yikes. : ) read more…

10) Brazil International Conference on Missions Gives Hope for the Future

10) Brazil International Conference on Missions Gives Hope for the Future

If Lausanne’s recent Status of the Great Commission booklet (and the L4 conference in Seoul a couple of weeks ago) gave us a published statistic that only the USA currently sends more missionaries than Brazil, then last week’s International Conference on Missions: Brazil (ICOM: Brazil) certainly gave us the passionate reality of it. When ICOM Brazil asked me (Doug) to fly down and preach at a couple of main sessions and a workshop, I wondered, “Will anybody really come to this?” Boy, was I pleasantly encouraged. The crowds were passionate, the workshops were filled with eager-to-serve workers, and the future of missionaries from Brazil seemed even more encouraging than I had ever imagined. This is a *great* time to keep praying Matthew 9:35-38 for the sake of multiple sending nations. Have you seen an uptick in missionary-sending vision in the nation where you serve or visit? If so, please click comment and let us know so we can rejoice with you as well.






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