1) NIGHT OF POWER During Ramadan
On Wednesday, March 26 at 6:30 pm ET, please join a special night of prayer for Muslims. Ted Esler, President of Missio Nexus will share during the call. There will be focused prayer on India and you will hear the testimony of a Muslim background believer along with an update on The Task Remaining & opportunities to reach the diaspora in NYC. To receive the Zoom link, email info@calltoprayer.global. read more…

2) Virtual Care Week for Global Women
This April 7-11, 2025, Thrive has created an opportunity for you to meet with a counselor, spiritual director, life coach, medical professional, and prayer partner, all for the low set cost of your $75 registration. Take advantage of as many 1:1 appointments as you’d like, with professionals dedicated to caring for women on the field. Learn more at https://thriveministry.org/. read more…

3) Remitly to Send Cash
Have you or your organization tried using Remitly to send money to field workers in overseas locations? Remitly is an online money transfer service that allows you to send money internationally across over 100 currencies with no hidden fees. You can choose from various delivery options, including bank account transfers, mobile wallets, cash pickups, and home delivery, depending on your recipient’s location.
An organization recently shared with us that when they used Remitly, the transfer occurred instantly. The field workers received the funds in local currency without having to go to the bank. There was no wire fee, but a small percentage was charged as a convenience fee. This convenience fee might be considered minimal compared to the hassle of taking a bus downtown to a bank, retrieving the wire, paying the wire fee, and transferring to local currency (often by private exchange houses or by black market exchange specialists in a risky part of town).
What has been your experience? Does your organization allow its use? If the auditors don’t mind, it seems like a real time saver.
https://www.remitly.com/us/en. Please comment.

4) Business as Mission Global Summit
The global Business as Mission (BAM) community gathers online each year at the virtual BAM Global Summit. This year the gathering will be Thursday, the 8th of May. Hear BAM stories, learn fruitful practices, network with others with similar interest areas. Get 10% off Summit registration for Brigada readers with code BRIG10. Find out more and register at: https://bamglobal.org/summit/. read more…

5) Coaching Skills for Life and Leadership
Not everyone will become a coach, but everyone can benefit from learning and practicing basic coaching skills in leadership, life and relationships. In an online workshop on the 8th of May, basic coaching skills will be introduced, demonstrated and practiced. Learn more at
https://coachingmission.com/cmi-course/coaching-skills-for-life-leadership-mini-workshop/. read more…

6) Ministry Toolkit Review
Have you wondered what other tools and services your peers are using to solve common problems? What accounting software, CRM, health insurance and other tools are most popular? Missio Nexus has created an assessment that lets you share what you are using and, in return, you get a report about what others are using. You will learn about the top three tools and services in 25 different categories used by your peers. Check it out at https://missionexus.bleat.church. read more…

7) You Can Submit an Item to Brigada – For Free!
It’s easy. Just click to https://brigada.org/submit-an-item. Be sure to read the submission guidelines first. It’s ok to pitch in a gift toward Brigada’s budget if you like (and it’s true that pitching in helps bump up your item in the calendar and the order of appearance), but you really don’t have to do so. The money helps meet the budget, but the goal is the Great Commission. read more…

8) A Missions Academy for Free?
Didasko Missions Academy, recommended by Phil – a faithful Brigada reader, is a non-profit organization that offers high-quality online missions training courses for anyone, anywhere. Their courses provide an in-depth overview of the world of missions and are designed to help individuals grow into their ministry calling. Despite being of the highest academic and practical quality, all courses are free of charge! Didasko Missions Academy aims to make missionary training accessible to everyone, following the principle of “Freely you have received, freely give.” Have you used Didasko? read more…

9) Hotel Booking Sites
Last week we asked, “What do you use to book your hotel reservations.” See the post here: https://brigada.org/2025/03/02_42505. Several Brigada readers commented! Check out their comments – and let us know what you use!

10) Complacency: The Enemy That Eats From Within
Andy Grove, a Hungarian-born American businessman, is widely credited with being the driving force behind the enormous success of semiconductor computer circuit. He is quoted as saying, “Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.” Now that might sound like a slightly stressful life. But the truth is, those who knew Andy Grove described him as being never satisfied with the status quo. So how might his quote apply to you, your work, and/or your church or agency?
Proverbs 1:32 says, “For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them.” (To read more on this topic, click Read More.) read more…
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