- CULTURE, CHRIST, & KINGDOM CONFERENCE FOR “FIRST NATIONS” — Catch a Richard Twiss’ CC&K Conference in Portland, Oregon on May 9-10, sponsored by Wiconi International and Multnomah Biblical Seminary. Hear 3 dynamic First Nations Bible teachers: Terry LeBlanc/Mi’kmaq, Ray Aldred/Cree and Cheryl Barnetson/Carrier, plus Dr. Paul Metzger from Multnomah and Richard Twiss. Hear talks on how to develop a theology of culture, as well as on missiology, critical contextualization, defining syncretism, and much more. For more info, call 360-546-1867 or email
or log on at http://www.wiconi.com/calendar/events.htm . </office@wiconi.com> - NEW BOOK ON PRAYING FOR LEADERS RELEASED — The Pauline Hord Trust has just released a book (that might be of interest to the U.S. of Americans in the audience) called “Praying for the President”. It is a 365-day guide with Scripture and prayer to praying for the President of the United States. It could be used for anyone in international leadership. <http://www.prayingforthepresident.com> 30% off – Special price for Brigada readers of $10 plus shipping – email Faithe at <brigada@prayingforthepresident.com> . </brigada@prayingforthepresident.com>
- MUSIC TEACHERS NEEDED — Ever use Brigada-Opportunities? Here’s an example of the kind of thing you might want to float there: “The IMB needs volunteer Christian music teachers to lead a music training conference near Les Cayes, Haiti this summer. The dates (including travel days in and out of Haiti) are Aug 2-12, 2003. Choral directors, teachers of voice, piano, handbells, guitar, music theory, music history and music composition are needed. The purpose of this camp is to train music leaders and potential music leaders for existing churches, new church starts, and for church planting. A major focus of the camp is on using music for evangelism and church planting. All students participate in composition of Chronological Bible Storying songs using indigenous Haitian musical styles. For more information contact: <dianahaiti@skycasters.net> or <dianahaiti@yahoo.com> or contact the International Mission Board/SBC directly at 1-800-888-! 8657, in reference to Project Number: 64643 (Joyce Glover in the volunteers dept.) Information can be obtained at this website also: http://www.imb.org ”
So how does one float this opportunity at Brigada-Opportunities? Start by sending a message to: <brigada-opportunities-subscribe@yahoogroups.com> Then email your opportunity to: <brigada-opportunities@yahoogroups.com>
There are currently some 160 people listening there… either to a good option that “recruits” them to service, or to give input when someone brings up a great point. If you’re looking for an opportunity, subscribe today using the info. above. Send your opportunity today too! </brigada-opportunities@yahoogroups.com></brigada-opportunities-subscribe@yahoogroups.com></dianahaiti@yahoo.com></dianahaiti@skycasters.net>
- HOPE AFRICA UNIVERSITY WEBSITE — Hope Africa University, a newly founded liberal arts Christian university in Nairobi, Kenya, sponsored by the Free Methodist churches of east and central Africa (mentioned in Mission Frontiers, March-April 2003, “The New Evangelical Universities”) has a website http://www.hopeafricauniversity.org . For specific questions email <nijewe@cs.com> .
- 2ND BI-ANNUAL “FIRST NATIONS” MISSIOLOGICAL SYMPOSIUM — The North American Institute of Indigenous Theological Studies is hosting its second First Nations Missiological Symposium, May 29-31, 2003 at the William and Catherine Booth College in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. PURPOSE: The symposium will seek to challenge and strengthen the various models of ministry and mission in Native North America as they relate to evangelism, discipleship, church planting, leadership development and other areas of Christian ministry. The event and the Institute brings together men and women of varied experiences and backgrounds from within the orthodox evangelical Christian community in a forum for biblical and theological reflection which roots in a Native North American world-view and perspective. It is an excellent opportunity to learn from many nationally respected Native and non- native theological leaders, as well as Native pastors. Register before May 20/03 and the cost is $125.00 (US), which includes meals. After May 20, the cost is $100.00 (US), with NO MEALS. For more information call Anita L. Kieth, NAIITS Administrator and registrar (204) 945-1152 or visit http://www.firstnationsmonday.com/NAIITS.htm .
- A UNIQUE PASTORS’ PRAYER E-NEWSLETTER — Here’s a newsletter that compiles reports from prayer networkers, city reachers, pastors and ministry leaders from across the globe. Their stories and strategies are available through a free subscription to the National Pastors’ Prayer Network. Not just for pastors, the NPPN e-casts several editions, including: City Connections, Global Networks Prayer Initiatives, Prayer Evangelism Resources, as well as Special Editions for quick breaking news.
The NPPN website offers a directory of over 750 Pastors’ Prayer Groups (add yours at: http://www.nppn.org/ppg) as well as over 50 downloadable articles on prayer for local congregations and regional networks. Start your Free Subscription to the NPPN <http://www.nppn.org/subscribe.htm> For more info., contact Phil . updates@nppn.org>
- SEEKING YOUR OPINION ABOUT MED. INSURANCE FOR MISSIONARIES — Here’s a study being done by Mark on missions insurance programs. He is wondering which options would be acceptable or preferable to you and your church:
(1) That a mission agency provides health insurance as a group plan even though the costs might be higher than individual coverage for many missionaries?
(2) That a mission agency work with the sending church to help individuals and families to find the best individual policy for themselves which will provide lower coverage for many but perhaps leave some without coverage?
Respond to Mark <mski@earthlink.net> with a #1 or #2 and he’ll let us know the results in a week or two. Thanks! (Thanks Mark.) </mski@earthlink.net>
- GATEWAY TO CHINA — Here’s TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification offered for the first time in Edmond, Oklahoma, to our knowledge. Youth With A Mission (Kona, HI) is teaming up with Community Enhancement Network in Oklahoma to offer 4 weeks of intensive training, followed by 2 weeks practicum. Dates of the school are July 6 – August 15, 2003. Course cost is $600 for tuition and books. Food and Housing will be arranged on an individual basis at a minimal cost. Course graduates will be offered immediate field placement in north-central China. For further information email <choateclan@cs.com> or telephone (405) 399-4544 in Oklahoma. choateclan@cs.com>
- COPING WITH WAR VIDEO CLIPS — Even though the war won’t take place on our own soil, almost everyone will be affected by it in one way or another. That’s why the staff of E-ssentials has produced two new video segments that are available for you to download FREE! E-ssentials is a ministry of the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board. These two video clips will help your congregation get personally involved in this crisis by praying for our military and by sharing the peace of Jesus Christ with a world that knows no peace. In an effort to respond to current events in a timely manner, these videos will only be available by download from their website, http://www.essentials.tv , at no charge. These MPEG 1 video files are easily inserted into any PowerPoint presentation, and are also playable through many free software programs like Windows Media Player and QuickTime Player. If, for some reason this link does not work for you, the same information is also available at http://www.namb.net/essentials . (NAMB)
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