Year: 2017

6) “How Many Slaves Work for You?”

You were thinking zero? Guess again. Check out the math at… It basically helps you determine your “slavery footprint.” (And by the way, it’s a really cool website.) (Thanks...

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11) “The Global Gospel” in 2017

Are you looking for some free discipleship resources in several languages? Two of the newest languages completed of “The Global Gospel” are Sindhi (India and Pakistan) and Swahili (Kenya and Tanzania). This series of...

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12) Debrief and/or Train at TRAIN International

Four times each year, TRAIN International hosts ABIDE, a 5-day re-entry debriefing for cross-cultural workers. You can register now for the April 9-14 session. Participants connect with other global workers, process their...

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13) We’re Grateful for…

… The folks at, who pitched in $50 toward helping Brigada — and yet, they don’t make a dime off their own website. What amazing champion friends! Thank you! … GREAT friends from...

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