Are you serving at a Christian college or university, looking for the best agency with whom you might serve a semester abroad? What’s the best group you’ve found so far? Some universities have partnered with…
(thanks Ryan)
Others like the greater selection at…
What’s YOUR favorite agency to help with these overseas stints?
For a solid faith-based semester abroad, AMBEX ( should be considered. It has a Reformation focus in Germany and is designed to transfer into typical Christian liberal arts degree (credit offered by Corbin).
For faculty-led short term trips focused on New Testament, the Zodhiates International New Testament Study Center ( should not be missed. Used by Taylor, Spring Arbor, Colorado Christian and many others.
For an experience in Israel, IBEX ( has some spots available each semester usually. Credit offered through The Master’s College.
It should also be mentioned that CRU has developed a Christian discipleship and outreach program to accompany any study abroad experience through a secular vendor or university. This is a great option for believers to learn how to be on mission through study abroad.