Year: 2017

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2017/01/22 — Brigada Today

Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion Brigada online has more graphics and links at In this issue… 1) Traction Conference For Men 2) Get your TEFL Certificate Online 3)...

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1) Traction Conference For Men

Traction is a 6-day renewal experience September 20-26, 2017 for men working cross-culturally. The week includes worship, teaching, counseling, medical consultation, outdoor activities, and personal reflection in Interlaken,...

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2) Get your TEFL Certificate Online

Get Professional TEFL Certificate Online to get job overseas in Teaching English As A Foreign Language. Get trained to teach English to arriving refugees or to obtain genuine work abroad! Start anytime with this Online Course!...

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3) Reaching Japanese for Christ Conference

The 16th annual Reaching Japanese for Christ International Conference is set for Feb. 16-18. The theme is “Faithfully Using The Talents Entrusted To Us,” with a pre-conference theme, “Reaching Japanese for...

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4) Three STM Devotional Bible Study Journals

Deeper Roots Pubs has introduced 3 different short-term mission devotional Bible study journals. Each 3-part book has 7 Pre-Field studies, 14 On-Field studies, (sequenced to the culture-shock curve} and 14 reentry studies...

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5) Church Based Business as Mission (CBBM)

CBBM moves Business as Mission back into the church as the key to Discipling Marketplace Leaders (DML). After two years of piloting the program, DML is rolling out in multiple countries via partnerships. International Christian...

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6) Excellerate Conference

Excellerate is North Point Ministries’ one-day missions conference specifically designed for church leadership and global missions leaders who feel that it’s time to rethink, retool, and reengage how our churches...

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7) Foundations of Media Strategy course

Mission Media U (MMU) is an online learning platform designed to train Christians to be more effective in making disciples and establishing churches. Their course, “Foundations of Media Strategy,” is starting 2/16/17...

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