- LEARN TESL IN CHINA — Learn to Teach English by taking a TESOL course in Shanghai China. The course is both academic and practical in content and will prepare you to be a professional teacher of English. The course has a two week practicum which gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in the course. The practicum is critical to any TESOL course. Course dates are Feb. 14-March 28, 2003 and July 4-August 15, 2003. Go to http://www.tesoltraining.com for more information on the school. Please note that emails are received in china and can be read by anyone!!!! Please THINK before you write. The application deadline for February TESOL School/Shanghai, China will be January 1, 2003. The application, reference letters and application fee are due by January 1, 2003.
- DENTAL TRAINING FOR MISSIONARIES! — Learn a great skill in which you can demonstrate the love of Christ in a practical way. Dental decay and gingivitis are the most common diseases in the world. Millions suffer needlessly. In just seven intense days, Dentistry For Missions can train and equip you to bring greatly needed dental care to your community. Cost: $975 (Includes lodging, books, $300 kit). Courses offered monthly in Texas, USA. http://www.dentistryformissions.com or e-mail: <dentistryformissions@worldnet.att.net>. </dentistryformissions@worldnet.att.net>
- MEDICAL MISSIONS TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES — Thanks to Tina, who passed along a great resource for Medical Missions. Dr. Dan Fountain, one of the leading voices in medical missions, is involved with King College and providing some great courses. In January he is offering one on Short Term Medical Missions. Check out this link: www.king.edu/academics/PSCM/cghc/workshops.htm Now, medical professionals and other students will have the opportunity to attend one- to four-week workshops organized by King College and conducted by the top experts in the field of global and community health care.
- FREE TENTMAKING JOURNAL DOWNLOAD — “GO World”, the journal of tentmaking published by Global Opportunities is now available as a free pdf download. The subscription only hardcopy circulation is 5900 and growing. Each issue contains tentmaker stories, articles on tentmaking and missions, a country profile, and is sure to stimulate your missions thinking. Log on at… http://www.globalopps.org
- LIFE TIME MISSION OPPORTUNITIES AT HOME AND ABROAD — John wrote this past week to exhort us to try to lift up *lifetime* missions commitments, as opposed to short-terms only. He wrote, “When Isaiah saw the Lord ‘high and lifted up’ (Isaiah 6) he saw the eternal King, holy, righteous and glorious and he was devastated by this wonderful/scary spectacle. He was able to hear and respond to the clear word from God “Whom shall I send? And Who will go for Us?” Isaiah didn’t say “I will have to pray about it.” He didn’t ask “Where?” or “To whom” He didn’t ask “For how long?” He didn’t ask “How much will I get paid?” or “How much support will I have to raise?” Isaiah responded “Here am I! Send me.” God said “Go and tell this people.” Isaiah let God take over every aspect of his life. A true salvation experience, after hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, doesn’t come from a response of: ‘It sounds like a good idea, I will give it a try and see how it works out.’ A conviction of sin comes from an encounter with the same God who confronted Isaiah, giving the same helpless, Hell-bound feeling. Repentance of sin brings forgiveness and forgiveness opens you to the opportunity to hear the same (continuing) word from God “Whom shall I send? And Who will go for Us?” What are YOU going to say? God wants YOUR LIFE and He knows how to look after it better than you do!!” Thanks for your thoughts, John <cwmbc@telus.net>! </cwmbc@telus.net>
- TESOL SCHOOL IN HAWAII — The next TESOL Course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) will be held at the University of the Nations in Kona Hawaii beginning Feb. 17th, 2003. This course will equip you to teach English & open doors for you anywhere in the world you may be led to go. This is a four week academic curriculum with a two-week practicum which gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in the course. The exact schedule is from Feb. 17th to Mar. 28th, 2003. For more information & application forms contact .
- PRAYING THROUGH THE ARABIAN PENINSULA (PTAP) — Believers and churches in the Arabian Peninsula are calling on believers and churches around the world to pray for at least one (1) year, especially in 2003, for this region. In order to learn more about this year, you may read the Dec. 6, 2002 “World Pulse” issue, visit http://www.pray-ap.info , or email <ptap@srginc.org> . Translations of the PTAP booklet are underway in more than 10 languages, bookmarks, kid’s prayer kits, and videos are also available in some languages. The time has come to pray passionately and persistently for the Arabian Peninsula until there are church-planting movements all across the region. If you wish to subscribe to the weekly prayer updates on the web, you may sign on at http://lists.everybody.org/listinfo/ptap via email . To receive them via email, send a message to <ptap-request@lists.everybody.org> with the subject “subscribe”. After you confirm your subscription, keep the welcome message since it contains the password you need to unsubscribe and protect & manage your account. </ptap-request@lists.everybody.org></ptap@srginc.org>
- SEND YOUR FRIEND TO AN UNFORGETTABLE WEBSITE :-) — Check out this site… customized for your friend. Put in your friend’s name like this: http://brigada.today.youaremyfriend.com/ Change out “brigada” for your friend’s first name… and “today” for your friend’s last name. Check it out! (Thanks for the tip, Eric! :-) And… you’re my friend too, buddy. :-)
- LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SEMINAR FOR NEW MISSIONARIES — Catch it February 9-21, in Toronto, Canada, it’s being hosted by Missionprep. Drawing from the rich cultural resources of Toronto, this seminar will prepare you for the challenges of cross-cultural ministry. Gear up with natural and easily-implemented language and cultural learning activities. The projects, techniques, skills and strategies for language and cultural learning will give you a head start in planning for your cross-cultural assignment. For more information contact Robert <missionprep@sympatico.ca> or http://www.timcentre.com/missionprep </missionprep@sympatico.ca>
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