- TRAINING FOR SHORT-TERM MISSIONS –- You are invited to send your short term mission leaders or potential leaders to the National Short Term Missions Conference held on January 17-19, 2003, at the Radisson Hotel at Los Angeles airport. Thirty-five workshops and several more extensive seminars are available. Dr. Roberta Hestenes of World Vision is the plenary speaker. You can email for information at <info@nstmc.org> or you can find all information and application forms at the following web site: http://www.nstmc.org . </info@nstmc.org>
- MORE DRAMA — Here’s a unique drama resource (in addition to those listed in Brigada Today’s 2002/11/08 edition): http://www.christianmusicals.com . This website currently has five original Christian musicals available – words, and CD backing tracks. All of them have been written by Wayne Wright, a New Zealander, and performed many times by Source Theatre, a NZ based Christian, ‘amateur/professional’ theatre group. Some are designed for youth audiences, and are evangelistic. Email the author directly at <wayne@source.co.nz> . Source Theatre members are open to invitations to bring the show to your part of the world. For more information, or to get copies of the music CD of “The Reason Why”, and the latest version of the booklet, e-mail <tonyplews@compuserve.com> . </tonyplews@compuserve.com></wayne@source.co.nz>
- TESOL IN PENNSYLVANIA — The next TESOL Course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) will be held at the YWAM base in Lebanon, PA Jan. 13-Feb. 7, 2003. This course will equip you to teach English and open doors to limited access nations. The cost is $950, which includes tuition, books, room, and board.
- VEHICLES FOR MISSIONS & MINISTRIES — Get transportation solutions for Christian Ministries, Missions, Para-Church for field, furlough, and domestic use. Here’s a ministry whose sole objective is to save you money when you need to rent, purchase or lease a vehicle for ministry. Their “Furlough Rental Program” provides Rental Cars at Cost. They also have new field units for NGO missions built for the country, insured, and delivered to port. They handle most major manufacturers, new and used cars, SUV’s, mini-vans, club wagons, church vans and buses. They are MATS International, tel. 888.776.7211 or 765.965.7777 fax 765.962.9966, email <car@mats.org>, web http://www.mats.org . </car@mats.org>
- TESOL TRAINING — Catch it in Auckland, New Zealand, 3 – 28 March, 2003. This intensive four week English language teacher training course is accredited with YWAM’s University of the Nations and will be held at the YWAM Campus in Auckland. The cost is $USD 680. For application or information contact TESOL Registrar, YWAM, PO Box 43120, Auckland 1730. phone 09 255 1410, email
. </tesol@ywam.org.nz> - LEARN ENGLISH IN THE USA — Do you know people who are called to missions but need to speak English to fulfill that calling? An ESL class will be offered in Lebanon, PA beginning March 31, 2002 and ending June 20, 2003 for those who want to learn to speak and understand the English language. The necessary aspects of English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation will be taught to enable the student to acquire communicative competence. Cost is $2250 with a non- refundable $35 registration fee. For more information or to register contact <davidbbauman@cs.com>. </davidbbauman@cs.com>
- NEED A MOTIVATING SPEAKER? — Here’s a fellow who is reportedly a motivating and inspiring speaker, who has shared his dramatic journey of overcoming and redemption throughout north America, who has presented in schools, churches, retreats, outreaches, youth rallies, conferences and community events. He also speaks to the reality facing modern day youth and their families. “…an incredible message…a powerful testimony”. Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family. Try Serge LeClerc, http://www.sergetalks.com or email <sergetalks@hotmail.com>. </sergetalks@hotmail.com>
- SEMINAR FOR REACHING THE POOR — Here’s a seminar that can help you understand and launch church-centered savings and credit associations and tons more for the poor across the planet. Take it all in at the second annual Christian Economic Development Institute running from May 19-30, 2003, and sponsored by the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, USA (10 minutes from Chattanooga, TN). Recognized by many as the leading expert on urban missions, Dr. Ray Bakke, Executive Director of Urban International Associates, is the keynote speaker. This training opportunity will give you the tools you need to minister effectively to the poor in Christ’s name. For more information, visit http://www.chalmers.org , or e-mail <cedi@covenant.edu>, or call 706.419.1805. cedi@covenant.edu>
- SINGAPORE SCHOOL OF FRONTIER MISSION (SoFM) — Read more about this cross-cultural training at http://ywam.antioch.com.sg . Beginning the 3rd of July, it’s a three- month lecture phase plus nine-month mentored field internship, all aimed at helping you develop skills in 1) language acquisition, 2) cross-cultural ministry, 3) frontier survival, 4) teamwork and 5) finding a place of long-term service. The Singapore SoFM offers its internship at 6 entry cities and among 5 unreached peoples in East and Southeast Asia. You can see cost and schedule information at http://ywam.antioch.com.sg/schedule/#10 . This is a secondary school with YWAM. A Discipleship Training School (DTS) http://ywam.antioch.com.sg/dts/ is a prerequisite. For more info, write <apocal59@pacific.net.sg>. </apocal59@pacific.net.sg>
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