We recently asked some informed trainers what might be the best book available today for training new cross-cultural workers. The answer surprised me. They recommended The Culture Map, by Erin Meyer. Find it at https://www.amazon.com/Culture-Map-Breaking-Invisible-Boundaries/dp/1610392507. But your answer might be different. Which training book or video set would *you* recommend?
8) The Best Book Available Today For Training Cross-Cultural Workers

Your advisors are correct. This is my favorite too!
Erin Meyers work is certainly one of the helpful contributions to working across cultures. It joins a list of major names in the study of cultures such as Hall, Hofstede, Trompenaars, Storti, Lewis, and House. While each of the major names have written more than just their trailblazing work and others have added to them, Meyers writing is clear and helpful right from the start.
A good presentation that helps work with Meyers concepts is also found at https://www.nsf.gov/attachments/134059/public/15LFW_WorkingWithMulticulturalTeams_LarsonC.pdf
Good stuff. Thanks for the link. Timely too as I am gathering some materials for leadership training.
I often recommend this book to other global workers! In the past, I have used information from this book in cross-cultural training classes for visiting mission teams and for teachers working with children from immigrant backgrounds. Another fun resource for understanding and comparing cultures is “East Meets West, ” a book of infographs, by Yang Lui.
my memoirs are available free by contacting me on richncon@gmail.com
Richard Goodall missionary churc planter to Japan since 1960
I have used this presentation by Erin Meyers as a great place to start: