Looking for a way to show your agency or church that God answers prayer? Try the newly-refreshed Wall of the Unreached (2023 version) at your next mission event. Just browse to https://www.u4theu.com/book-the-wall/. Click the “Book the Wall” button and, in the Comment box, make sure you request the 2023 version of the Wall. It’s so new (literally 7 days old!), it isn’t even up on the U4theU webpage yet. The Wall is distributed rent-free, though hosts are asked to ship the exhibit on to the next event (which can cost $250-300 dollars) and pitch in a free-will love offering (suggested donation of $250 goes to create new Walls like the 2023 version and repair damages along the way as it travels). This new wall syncs well with JoshuaProject’s new interactive web view of Frontier UPGs at https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/interactive. Both the Wall and the new JoshuaProject Interactive site are highly recommended.