We’ve recently come across the book, No Doubt About It, The Case for Christianity, by Winfried Corduan. The book summary states, “Our doubts and questions make us feel so faithless. But according to Dr. Winfried Corduan, the very thoughts that call our faith into question are actually signs of life and growth. ‘We should never fear investigating the truth,’ he writes. ‘If we have to run from the truth, maybe it’s because we have something to hide.’ In this rigorous look at the essence of Christianity, Corduan argues from a compatability between faith and reason.” What books or podcasts help you when answering questions about your faith? Please comment! The book can be found at https://arcapologetics.org/product/no-doubt-about-it-the-case-for-christianity/.
7) No Doubt About It

“Questioning God” by John Hopper is my current favorite in this category. John is an Area Director for Search, an organization “dedicated to facilitating conversations about life and God.” The book can be found here: https://questioninggod.com/ Another great resource is Search’s website: https://searchnational.org/ Their podcasts are excellent (and the link is on their page).
I’ve also appreciated Alisa Childers’ ministry: https://alisachilders.com/
Very worthwhile book–insightful, clear, readable and very helpful. Winfried has also written one of the best books for Christians on comparative religions: “Neighboring Faiths.” Very helpful in missions.
Praising You Lord praising You because You inhabit our praises and know the secrets of our hearts
In John 15.7 Jesus promises to answer all prayers that meet 2 conditions
From a PURE HEART and in agreement with His REVEALED WILL
Both require belief in FREE WILL
Why confess sin
Who obey
How can believing, confessing, repentance…?
There is an uncrossible chasm between Determinism and Free Will
In John 3:16-18
For God so lves THE WORLD He gave His only begotten Son…
Who daily answers my prayers thus daily building my
When entering Bible College an atheist challenged my faith so deeply
I asked God, if there would You prove Your self?
And praises beyond praises You did without my raising a question
Praising You Lord praising You because in You there is always victory