Our workers are loving it. On the *first* day of implementation, we asked for input on their ministries. Sixty-five out of the 350 workers wrote back with feedback within 48 hours, all inside of Disciple.Tools. Here were a couple of steps we took to make sure we rolled it out well. First, we set up our own instance at a hosted server, on our own domain, so our workers knew we were in our own “sandbox.” But then we told them they could invite their local partners, workers, multipliers, and new believers. They’re loving it. We’ll share more as the roll-out continues to grow – but first impressions are – this is dynamite stuff. (Truth in advertising: One of our own teams is the developer for Disciple.Tools. But also truth in advertising: They’re giving it away. Seriously. It’s free.) Learn more at www.Disciple.Tools. We’re just glad we finally rolled it out org-wide. It’s about time. Shew. : )