ICOM (International Conference on Missions) has a prayer challenge to pray for the entire world by November 5 by 5 pm.  This was launched on September 14 at 1:40 pm on the campus of Kentucky Christian University in a Roman’s class.  The summary of the first 20 days: 29% world covered in prayer, 488 prayer warriors, 1390 completed locations (out of 4770).

May we be faithful and fervent…in prayer for the nations, especially the unreached, and for the Lord to send workers into His ripe harvest fields all over the planet.  To accept the challenge go to
https://prayer.global/prayer_app/custom/790565/map, then click on “start praying.”  Pray using the prompts or as the Lord leads.  When finished, click on “done” or “next.”  You can check out the progress on the ICOM map that is displayed.  (Thanks, Eric!)