What are success and failure in ministry? It’s not always obvious or easy to say. Global Trellis has created a prayer resource for you to work through this question with God! They have a more extended, more thorough version for you to do once a month and a shorter version for you to do several times a month. For more information go here: https://globaltrellis.com/reimaginesuccess/.
3) What Does “Success” in Ministry Look Like?

I would recommend Amy Young’s book on this topic, “Becoming More Fruitful in Cross-Cultural Work: How to Be Free in Christ and Rooted in Reality as you Fulfill Your Call.” It’s a really relatable and encouraging read on this subject! https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B0B9D2KZWR&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_TQC27BRNRSYXH3K08W6S