Brigada participants are just the best people in the world. In a recent Brigada item ( ), we asked if there was such a thing as a kind of “mission agency selector tool,” for a Brigada inquirer named Dan. In just a few short days, you all came up with some fantastic options. The truth is, as one commenter (Becky) noted, it can indeed feel overwhelming just starting out. Thank you to those who took time to respond. With the options that are there, we are now convinced that virtually anyone could now launch in a more informed way. There are criteria to consider, orgs that help you locate options, and several really good starting points. Of course, at the end of the day, we trust that each inquirer will begin his/her quest with fervent prayer. Perhaps that step will be the most helpful of all! We have to believe that God, in His providence, will guide us all to the best course of action (Matthew 9:35-38, Romans 8:28, Colossians 1:11). So – once again, thanks to everyone in the Brigada family for taking part in helping all of us learn the best options for all the rest of us!