Remember last week when we shared how to stage a virtual conference using TalentLMS (and set up a training platform for your org/church)? (See last week’s item at The interesting thing is, after seeing last week’s item, TalentLMS actually offered us an affiliate marketing role with the company. Read more to see why we turned it down. We declined because we were afraid some of our readers would think we were recommending something just to receive a payback of some kind. The truth is – we’d like to be able to tell you from a completely neutral position — we think you’ll love this product, we think you could use it to stage your next virtual conference, and we think it would be an EXCELLENT candidate to help you put into place all the training you hope to transition to online mode. It’s that good. We *did* take them up on their offer to give us a 20% discount on the subscription price because that’s something YOU can get too. Any non-profit or church can! So be sure and ask them and, sure… feel free to tell them you heard about it on Brigada — but not because they give us a kickback. Perhaps you’ll want to tell them because we’re just grateful for their service to our organizations and our movements!