We’re encouraged by the early results being seen by the Zume training course (in how to become a disciple worth multiplying, then how to multiply).
Our buddy, Eric D, assembled this “did-you-know” stream-of-consciousness report on some case studies since the training launched this past February 14th. For example, did you know…
*** That the Zume Project was created using proven principles and tools from years of actually making and multiplying disciples and churches worldwide?
*** That one missionary couple who had been serving in West Africa for 7-8 years using traditional approaches, (church building, church service, preacher) were pleased to report that the church had grown to 30-40 members. However, when they were trained in the same principles and tools that are taught in the Zume Project, they began immediately to implement and they started to see exponential multiplication. Just last month alone they reported 165 baptisms, and so far this year, there have been 845 baptisms. Since July of 2014, they have seen almost 3,000 souls come into the kingdom, with around 250 new groups started.
*** That one man in Tampa, FL was trained in March of 2013 in these same principles and tools. He began immediately forming groups of former drug dealers, prostitutes and homeless people. They quickly grew and now over 1,000 groups live the Christian life together as they make and multiply disciples not only in Tampa but around the world.
*** That a Senior minister in Indiana led his church to embrace the principles and tools found in Zume Project and just in the past 3 years has seen his church go from 300 to over 600 (my understanding), doubling also the amount of home groups which are dedicated to making disciples.
*** That a Senior minister in Manhattan, KS has led his church to embrace the principles and tools found in Zume Project and they were running it seems 1100, and now are running 1700. They are now starting to see second generation growth in the groups (that is, groups starting other groups).
*** That another missionary couple serving in Philippines (Catholic country), had tried everything under the sun, traditional and even what some would say are great discipleship “Programs” and were only seeing normal results (less than 100 in their church). Then they were trained in the principles and tools that you find in Zume Project. The last 5 years have been fantastic. Exponential growth. Every believer is trained and expected to be a disciple maker. Over 3000 souls have been baptized. Hundreds of groups have formed and now they are looking for where to send their disciples around the world to do what they have seen God do among them.
*** A Zume group meeting here in Louisville just finished a couple weeks ago. They decided to keep meeting as a spiritual family (home group), but are also launching two more Zume Training groups on the side. Each of two couples will be “members of two groups,” their spiritual family and a new Zume training group to reach new neighbors for Christ. They prayer walk every week in their neighborhood and have a vision to see God glorified in their families, among their friends and in their community. From when they started Zume, it’s night and day difference for them.
Try Zume. You and at least 3 other people will need 9 weeks to complete the course. Meet for two hours, once a week — and you’ll be amazed too. Zume is free of charge thanks to donors who make it possible.
I’ve been to the ZUME website, I can’t find out who is offering this training. Who is behind it, agency, organization, church, denomination? Who is actually doing the training?
Hi Dot. The training is all based on simple biblical concepts such as obedience-based discipleship, discovery-based Bible studies, intense emphasis on the importance of evangelism, HEAVY emphasis on prayer, a realization that persecution is a reality in many (most?) places where the church is growing as a movement (quickly), and the imoprtance of being an authentic believer (genuine from the inside out). These simple principles are now being taught by CityTeam and Jerry Trousdale, David Watson, David Garrison, T4T (Steve Smith and Ying Kai) and many others. One of the common threads for all these bodies of knowledge is David Garrison. His book on Church Planting Movements might have been the first book. Most of the genius behind the Zume course comes from a trainer named Curtis Sergeant — but the training is privately funded through sacrificial and generous donations. It generates zero income. Curtis is really the key architect of the way this training has been positioned.