Surely someone has prepared a course to train people how to help those who are addicted to looking at things on the internet that they shouldn’t view. (If we say the word, the filters for your will kick in and you won’t see this edition of Brigada, so we have to talk around the issue, which is so metaphorical about the church, too.) In other words, suppose you’re a mission agency with 100 applicants per year for new full-time work. Our guess is that 65 of those will either be addicted to looking at things on the internet (that they shouldn’t) or they will be doing it in hiding, without telling you. You can’t help the latter crowd (because they’re keeping it hidden), but the honest folks are crying out for help. Who trains the folks on your staff who are willing to coach them out of this bad habit that is driving a wedge between them and God? We’ve done a quick poll and we can’t find ANY training whatsoever. How is that possible. We can get online training for running a video camera, starting a discovery Bible study, and changing the oil in our lawn mower even. Surely *someone* has developed materials for those who are charged with coaching people away from this destructive habit?
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Check out the Conquer Series: The Battle Plan for Purity. It is geared for men.
Interesting topic. After being on staff as a missions pastor (do they still exist) and during that time getting caught in my addiction 17 years ago and having been in recovery for those 17 years, it is very rare for anyone to come forward with their issue. 99% of those in in recovery got caught. After helping men and couples in recovery over about 12 years the only recovery material we have found for couples we developed on our own. The only book I’ve found that may address this proactively in any way is “Swipe Right” by Levi Lusko. We have attempted to reach out to churches but not many want to face the issue. We serve two ministries in this and There ore a lot of online resources for those in recovery but not like you say for those wanting to be proactive… or much. I will close by saying that the “honest” ones need to get caught just like the rest of us in order to begin healing. I have mentored senior pastors, youth pastors other leaders and we have had over 40 couples go through our 9 week group experience and every one was a believer and every betrayer had not come forward on their own. I hope there is a better answer to your question.
The Conquer Series is an excellent tool I agree.
XXX Church or might be helpful.
This is great input so far! Thank you!
In April 2016 Josh McDowell sponsored a Set Free Summit. There are materials available. One is a 5 session DVD by Ted Roberts
For further info check out
These are helpful materials for those trapped in the addiction itself. But does anyone know of a resource designed to train people who are trying to help those addicted.
Probably the Conquer Series mentioned above would give the best overview of the topic of SA but only those who have been there and have long term recovery can really speak proactively and reactively. The best books on the topic that might help those that want to overcome are by Patrick Carnes, Mark Lasser, Levi Lusko, Doug Weiss and Dan Allender
Thanks for this insightful oversight! I have designed a training for those wanting to help those (particularly missionaries) struggling with internet addiction and have requested it be made free for missionaries on their e-learning platform. It is a 20 minute e-learning module which includes downloadables and information on how to, and how not to, be an accountably partner. You can find it at under the title: “Overcoming Internet Addiction” I believe the only caveat is that you have to obtain a login for Crosswired but it should be completely free.
Love for this to be utilized more.
Dr. Alex Galloway, Director of Staff Development and Care for Church Resources Ministries