Brigada participant, Martha, wrote this past week hoping to find options for a debriefing questionnaire. She asked, “What debriefing tools exist for the short-term team member being debriefed by a pastor or non-professional missions committee? Alternatively, might there be an evaluation tool that would enable the returning missionary to score the debriefing process?” These are great questions. Can you help her? If so, please click “Comment” following the web version of this item.
I have a debrief seminar/workshop that I used to give in Thailand. I have a compilation of materials, including short-term debrief questions. I’d be happy to send it to you. Just e-mail me.
Hi Ed, My name is Elena Ciobo and I work with YWAM based in Australia. Would it be possible to have you send me the material. I work with a lot of teams and would like to look at your material. Thanks.
Can you please send me the debriefing tool you mentioned on brigada? My wife and I are long term missionaries doing debriefing with ServantCare.
My email is
Blessings and thanks,
Alanson Rawdon
Hi Ed. Thanks for your willingness to share. Any chance you could share it with Brigada so we could share it with the entire audience? That way, people don’t have to post their email addresses here in the open on the internet. Just go to and click “Submit an item,”
I have a sample debrief that we use for our teams. It has to be tweaked based on destination, role and team composition but it can help you start thinking what to ask. Feel free to email me for it.
Please send debrief and thank you.
Teams Commissioned for Christ Int’l. TCCI has produced several devotional books for short term teams…there is one for debriefing upon return. Having been “out” of missions for 10 years but still a Brigada reader, I don’ t know if this resource is still available. They also produce training videos “Go Prepared” where I used to great success pre trip.
I wrote an article on this for’s newsletter and it links to some related pieces on the same site.
We have written 3 different devotional Bible Studies that are sequenced to Reentry stress titled Coming Home, Coming Home Again, and Returning Home. Each book contains 14 short inductive studies, with focused reentry questions. Great for both short and long termers. Thousands have used them with very positive results and feedback. These books are endorsed by Lisa Espineli Chinn, a reentry specialist and DRP also publishes her Reentry Guide for STM Leaders.
I’ve written a book called Married in Mission: A Handbook for Couples in Cross-Cultural Service. I have an exercise that helps couples (or individuals) see if they’re moving from re-entry to integration. Feel free to email me, I’d be happy to send it over.
I tool have one I wrote for a short term mission and mobilization trip that I pulled pulled from many sources to write. Just email me for it.
Hi John. Please share a copy with Brigada by clicking “Submit an item” in the top menu. That way, people won’t have to publish their private email address here in the queue.