Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
1) Group Debriefing Event
2) UPG-Tech Conference
3) ConnecTEFL: Get TEFL Certified to teach English
4) Mission Leaders Conference Seeks Volunteers (Discounts!)
5) Listen to Past Webinars by Garrison, Watson, Trousdale, and more
6) Are You Effectively Using Story in Your Ministry?
7) Watch, Know, and Learn — the website ( )
8) TESOL Training in Asia
9) Jerusalem Needs an App Developer
10) Something to Watch on a Rainy Day in India
11) New GMI Book Brings Reason to Chaos
12) Could you use Media for your Ministry more effectively?
13) We’re Grateful for…
14) The BackPage: EXISTING Churches and Disciple Making Movements
15) Closing Stuff