Have you been wondering how to define a DBS? Have you heard the buzzword, but pondered exactly how it works? How does it impact lives? How is it best implemented? What kind of differences can we see when it is implemented well? We believe you’ll be thrilled when you hear these case studies and examples courtesy Engage Africa: Through disciple making movements, a video series produced by Tekmerion Productions, made possible by Final Command Ministries, in cooperation with CityTeam International. (Thanks to Jerry Trousdale for pointing us to this great resource.) Watch the entire 28-minute teaching video here:


Note that Final Command is still in talks with their production company, Tekmerion, about how to distribute this and other new films. As a result, we have to watch the video on the production website and, unfortunately, it could go away at any time. If you want to see it, better watch it soon.