Spiritual-Gifts-LogoSeveral great biblical passages outline some of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. The go-to passage is 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, but there’s also Romans 12:6-8, 1 Peter 4:10-11, and Eph. 4:11-16. The question is — how does one discern which of those spiritual gifts he or she might possess? How do YOU answer that question? Down through the years, several have assembled spiritual gift ‘profiles’ or assessments. Bugbee, Cousin and Hybels came up with “The Right People in the Right Places for the Right Reasons”


But maybe you have a different approach. (If so, please click “comment” in the comment box following the web version of this item. Thanks in advance for sharing your resources and opinion!) One thing is for sure: We all have gifts. The Body of Christ is waiting for us to use them so that we can help the Body become the Body that Jesus wants us to be. So the sooner we identify and begin “fanning into flame the gifts within us,” the better off the church worldwide will be.