Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion. Brigada online has more graphics and links at . Your gift to Brigada will help get motivation, resources, and news/trends out to thousands of Christian workers throughout the globe on a weekly basis.
In this issue…
1) “What Missionaries Ought to Know…” (Revised 2015): Free Download
2) Would you Consider a Gift in Honor of Brigada’s 20-year Anniversary?
3) Simple Ministry Tool –
4) Engage the least-reached peoples of Lebanon
5) What are “Cool Tools for Travelers and Those who Serve Them?”
6) Cool Tools: The Best Bible for Travel (Int’l or Otherwise)
7) Cool Tools: How to Remember Every Random Fact You Ever Heard
8) Cool Tools: the Right Camera
9) Cool Tools: The Right Vest
10) Cool Tools: Carry an 8′ Brown Extension Cord
11) Cool Tools: Back up Your Work
12) Cool Tools: World Phones
13) We Give Thanks for …
14) The BackPage: Learn from David Watson, CPM/CMM/DMM Guru
15) Closing Stuff
I don’t know if you have mentioned this on Brigada but if you get folks to establish an “Amazon Smiles” account for your Brigada ministry, anyone who orders books or whatever from Amazon can have a portion of the cost go to Brigada. Checkout “Amazon Smiles” If you’ve mentioned it before I missed it or forgot but doesn’t hurt to mention all the programs again that can bring some support in for this critical E-News that you have faithfully produced for 20 years.