Edited by Doug Lucas; Published by Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at https://brigada.org

In this issue…

1) Wanted: Prayer Advocates for the Northern Dong of China
2) We Get Mail
3) Calling All Spanish Mobilization Materials?
4) Experiencing Partnering Workshop in Texas, Sept. 26-29
5) Training In Disciple Making/Personal Evangelism
6) Schoolteachers Needed In China; Housing & Wage Provided
7) Great new resource for understanding TCKs
8) Tried an “eBay Valet?” Please Write about your Experience
9) How Do Third-Culture Kids (TCK’s) Get Scholarships?
10) Don’t forget PeopleGroups.info if You Work in the USA
11) Don’t forget PeopleGroups.org if you Work Globally
12) What’s Your Favorite New Site?
13) The Best Place to Learn Photography
14) The BackPage: 30 Minutes of Morning Prayer
15) Closing Stuff