We send (via email) and post (on the web) Brigada Today each week, January through Oct. without any financial appeals whatsoever. (We only say thank you to those who give gifts.) At the close of each calendar year, we ask people to pitch in $17,120 to help part-time with the costs of an assistant, pay for web-hosting, and some light marketing costs. We estimate that we invest between 10-20 hours per week, on average, preparing Brigada, communicating with the Brigada audience, and serving the Brigada community. Brigada, then becomes a means of promoting evangelism and missions on both a national as well as an international level. Besides those few weeks at the end of each year, there are no other appeals for financial support.

With this edition of Brigada, we formally close our appeal for 2013. We received a total of $12,778.08 for budget needs for 2013. We’re grateful for all those who WERE able to give and we trust that God has provided according to the needs that He, in his providential wisdom, wanted to supply. We praise Him for that and thank you for the part you played! In addition, we thank you for your prayers. This week, we’ve been writing, sending, and posting Brigada Today every week for literally 19 years. We’re told that for internet websites and e-zines, that’s like an eternity. We couldn’t do this ministry without your prayers, partnership and encouragement. You’re a great bunch of friends and we appreciate you!!!!!

PS. Thanks to Insurance Services of America for sending a gift of $20.97 this past week. Learn more about their many policies and benefits at…


They provide plans for those who need international health, and travel insurance, as well as those who want to be reimbursed if their travel plans change or are interrupted by anything in any way. I’ve had to collect before — and it works.