Project New Hope International will be hosting a CHE Visions Seminar at Christ’s Church of the Valley, Phoenix, AZ, January 5-6 (Thursday and Friday).  This seminar will be an introduction to the CHE program, and is an abbreviated version of the week-long Training of Trainers (TOT) seminar. CHE Visions is designed to give people unfamiliar with the program an introduction to what CHE is all about. PNHI will host another TOT session in the near future to fully train these people. The trainer is from LifeWind, perhaps the world’s foremost authority on CHE. It will occur 9-12 am and 1-4 pm both days for a cost of $75. (Lunch will be provided at an additional charge.) You can pay at the door with a check or cash, with checks being made payable to Team Expansion. You’ll need to register and provide a list of names at least 1 week before the seminar. For more info or to register, write