Aquaculture International, Inc. will be taking teams of youth and leaders to Africa and South America this summer. Those who stay all summer will have all expenses paid. They will be building places to grow fish, vegetables, greens and more in a power grid free system at orphanages. Look at the website below for the location closest location to you of a three hour presentation, two day training or Aquaponics Conference. Included will be the technology of aquaponics, combining aquaculture with hydroponics for mutual benefit, and how you can participate in the summer adventure. For more information about Aquaculture International, aquaponics and how to register go to:


Students and faculty of sponsoring Colleges and Universities do not have to pay registration. The registration fee will be refunded to those who become part of the Aquaculture International Team. If you do not learn more than you have in any lengthy course that you have ever taken, your registration fee will be refunded in full.