This morning I spoke in a church in northeastern Ohio. I used the missions video, “A Thousand Questions.” Whoa. Itathousandquestions had a huge impact on this church of 220. After the video, you could have heard a pin drop… except for some lingering tears people were choking back… Someone was sobbing over at the side. I prayed, then asked if anyone had anything to share after watching the video. There was great feedback: “Overwhelmed,” “Challenged,” “Sobered,” … the feedback went on. One long-time member testified that he was at first critical of the church’s investment in missions. Now he had concluded it was the smartest thing they ever did. Highly recommended. (And thanks, Martin, for the heads-up about this resource.) Watch it on Youtube at

Then if you like it, download either a Flash or a Quicktime copy at…

This might be one of the best resources you’ve ever received via Brigada… and the amazing thing is — it’s free. Just don’t forget that you heard about it here on Brigada.