Looking for a secure, collaborative email solution for your organization, ministry, or team? Remember the missionaries that asked for recommendations (see the 2008/09/2 edition:


They ended up choosing a solution called Email Center Pro


This solution is…
*** Secure (https encryption)
*** Allows collaboration among multiple user accounts
*** Has a template system to help them quickly answer repetitive questions
*** Helps with accountability by showing what has been assigned to whom
*** Has had super-fast customer service (that’s even tweaked a few things at the server level for their specific needs!)

And the best news is that Email Center Pro has created special pricing for non-profits (yay!) and is giving Brigada a gift for every new user this article generates! How big? 50% of first month’s payment and 15% of the user’s contract for *life*! Wow, that would be $13 every month for Premium accounts!

All you need to do to ensure your discount and generate the gift for Brigada is to sign up at this page:


and enter one of the following promotional codes when you for an account level:


That’s it! From there, they take care of everything. (Thanks for any help that this generates for Brigada. If it does, we’ll show any and all donations here.)