- RETHINKING HINDU MINISTRY GATHERING IN ATLANTA — From June 16 – 18, 2006 the Rethinking Forum will sponsor its 4th annual conference on the Hindu-Christian interface from the perspective of the Rethinking Movement in Indian church history. The consultation will present various stimulating perspectives on service for Christ among Hindus. Although scholarly resource people will be present the focus will be on practical service. This Atlanta area gathering will commence at 1 pm on Friday and conclude at 5 pm on Sunday. For more information contact info(at)rethinkingforum(dot)com [As a means of preventing spam for our contributors, in the preceding email address(es), please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .]
- WHEN WILL WE UNDERSTAND GOOGLE? (“RANKINGS” UPDATED) — In our ongoing quest to understand how Google ranks mission pages, check it out again… Go to
and type in (without quotation marks) “emerald hills”. It *looks* like our Emerald Hills Prayer, Retreat, and Learning Center has now climbed up to #6 in the rankings, out of some 4 million pages, supposedly. How does that happen? If you don’t mind, after you search, would you consider clicking on the Emerald Hills link in the search results and taking a look at the front page of the new campus where Brigada will be based? (Click on “FAQs” in the top-line menu to see an FAQ entry about Brigada being based there.) Could it be that Google somehow can track those click-throughs after all? Someone asked why we even care about rankings on Google. I guess it’s a minor thing really… Just that… if anyone wants to find Brigada’s future base (maybe by this Christmas), and if they’ve only heard of “Emerald Hills”, it’ll be *lots* easier to find if it pops up as #6 rather than as the one- thousandth page down the list. Thanks for whatever part your click- throughs have played in helping raise our profile??? I’ll never understand it. :-)
- A GOD OF COINCIDENCE?: THE NAMA/DAMARA PEOPLE — The place was central and southern Namibia in Africa. Three members of a survey team came upon a group of tough looking men in Karasburg. They were prisoners from the nearby jail. As they began to explain the gospel to the men, they were stopped by the guards who said it was time for the men to go back to their cells. The men were given tracts. The families who were visiting with the men asked the three to tell them the gospel. Sadly, several of them spoke a language which none of the three could speak. The Lord had provided the answer! A Christian man who was visiting a prisoner could speak that language as well as their language. They then presented the gospel. When asked if any of them would like to ask Jesus in their heart, all twelve raised their hands! Adopt the Nama/Damara people for prayer by visiting
or write lynchdp(at)iafrica(dot)com [As a means of preventing spam for our contributors, in the preceding email address(es), please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .]
- FREE CHRISTIAN MUSIC CASSETTES? — Compu-Books (software developer and publisher of ‘Church Missions’ software) has a collection of 100+ Christian music cassette tapes they would like to donate to a missions based organization that could distribute these tapes to their missionaries.
Many are Hosanna worship tapes, other worship music collections and contemporary Christian artists. Some of the tapes are brand new and unopened, all English, all Christian. If your organization could use these tapes, please contact
Linda(at)compu-books(dot)com [As a means of preventing spam for our contributors, in the preceding email address(es), please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .]
- YEAR-LONG PRAYER & HARVEST INITIATIVE TO UNREACHED PEOPLES — The recent Ethne06 gathering in SE Asia of 350+ UPG-focused individuals, churches, and ministries launched an unprecedented year-long prayer and harvest initiative to begin immediately following the Global Day of Prayer, Pentecost Sunday, June 4. Beginning with Least-Reached of the South Pacific in June and moving east to west, Ethne links prayer with outreaches to the least-reached for the 90 days during and immediately following the month of prayer (see map at
Ethne’s newest Volume 1 dvd with resources and video testimonies is NOW available and permission is given to duplicate and distribute.
- LOOKING FOR A MK/TCK RETREAT ON THE EAST COAST? -– Missionary Resources Connection is hosting a retreat for Missionary Kids (MK’s) and Third Culture Kids (TCK’s) this upcoming August 7-15, 2006. The retreat is geared towards those who are making the transition between high school and college, or those within the same stage of life. The cost for the retreat is $350/person and includes lodging & food at a beautiful retreat in Gaston, SC (located 30 minutes from downtown Columbia). Registration and deposit of $50 is due by June 1, 2006. For more information, visit MRC’s weblink:
and click on “MK Re-entry” or call at (803)254-3313 or email
info(at)mresourcesconnection(dot)org [As a means of preventing spam for our contributors, in the preceding email address(es), please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .]
- GENESIS – THE SEED-BED OF THE BIBLE? — Now the book of Genesis is available in easy English at:
Download Genesis from the list of Bible books. In fact, you will find a wide selection of files to help you enjoy this exciting collection of biographies. Choose from Alun Owen’s translations in Level B EasyEnglish (2800 word vocabulary) with a commentary or Christine Muir’s version in Level A (1200 word vocabulary) with short, helpful notes on the text. There are also items at Level AEE (Accessible EasyEnglish) using very simple words in short sentences. These are excellent for anyone who finds standard English too difficult.
- AIMS LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE — Accelerating International Mission Strategies (AIMS) has introduced a new website at
Learn about strategic, new epicenters focus and the latest news about how God is using the AIMS ministry around the world. Download free informational brochures, bulletin inserts to help your congregation pray for the unreached, and tips on planning your next missions conference, or shop for missions books, videos, and other resources in their online bookstore. Plus, find out how you can get involved through short-term missions trips, upcoming conferences, and even strategic prayer.
- INDIAN POWERVISION TV — Powervision TV is a multilingual Satellite TV Channel, launched from New Delhi, India to reach unreached people in India with the gospel. This TV Channel needs high quality, excellent Christian TV Program such as Sermon, Musical Show, Films, Dramas, Cartoons and Skit in English or Hindi. Powervision TV prefers any Program aiming to reach Kids and youngsters with the Gospel in attractive format. The mode of the Channel is DVCAM/DV Tapes (PAL). If you’ve got some programming, write kcjohnpowervision(at)yahoo(dot)com or log onto
- BOOK HIGHLIGHTING MINISTRY IN INDIA — Want to read an exciting true story of 31 years of Ministry in India caring for leprosy sufferers, widows, orphans and the disabled? It is an account of real persecution, including one martyrdom, prison experiences, economic standards lower than those of the people served but above all, real Victory for Christ. You may read all about it in “FAITH+ACTION=MIRACLE”, published by LULU.com and available at the following website
- OPPORTUNITIES AT CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OF GUATEMALA — CAG, which serves the missionary community of Guatemala, has the following positions available for 2006-7: Elementary Classroom Teacher, Girls PE (K-12), Guidance Counselor, Secondary English Teacher, Secondary Social Studies, Computer Instruction, Computer Systems Coordinator, and Development Director. CAG has an enrollment of over 200 students, and although staff members are responsible for raising their own financial support, a monthly stipend of $150 is provided. For more information, log on to their website at
or email the school at cagrecruit(at)christacadguate(dot)org [As a means of preventing spam for our contributors, in the preceding email address(es), please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with.]
- OPTIONS IN GHANA — American International School, Accra Ghana, is an exciting new NICS school. Check out
http://www.aisaccra.org Applications are now being accepted for students grade pre-K-12. Also accepting applications for teachers. School year 2006-2007 has a limited enrollment for its “soft start” so don’t delay. Contact
CharleneBerry(at)nics(dot)org or call +233-277-549905 for more information. [As a means of preventing spam for our contributors, in the preceding email address(es), please replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .]
- WE GET MAIL — Thanks to those that have written in with encouragement about the “24” series in the “BackPage” editorials. One gentleman wrote, “I’ve been reading your newsletter for over 10 years I think. We were in China and needed something in regard to retired persons serving in the field and was given your site. We have been reading ever since…. Tonight I read your latest and the article on “24” really excited me, especially your use of the underlying urgency. … I am also pleased that the writers make a sharp distinction between right and wrong and how that impacts the events in the show. Good job, keep up the good work. God bless.” (Thanks brother!) Another friend wrote, “24 — Another good one! I love it. Just one suggestion. In keeping with the 24 motif it really should begin with “Previously on 24 …” :-) Keep up the good work and plugging the need for getting the message out to those who have never had a chance to hear!” Thanks Bob. We’ll take your advice! :-) Shawn wrote, “Wow, thanks for the 24 analogy. I had to quit watching it for a whole season — I was so caught up in the show I found myself praying for the characters! But now we are watching again, and I, too, am encouraged spiritually by the show. Mainly by Jack’s passion and courage and willingness to do whatever it takes to complete his mission, regardless of personal expense. I’m often convicted by my own passivity after an episode. Thanks!” Shew — praying for the characters… now *that’s* dedication. :-) Love it.
- THANKS TO OUR EMPOWERING PARTNERS — Tonight we’re grateful to Blessed Hope for sharing $10.70 from those who have talked on their phone service. Please, … if you need a long distance service anyway, consider using Blessed Hope at:
Thanks, too, to Insurance Services of America, who sent $16.38 based on sales of insurance policies too! If you need coverage, short- or long- term, please consider using them by clicking to this link:
You can get term life, medical, even trip cancellation insurance… They have it *all*.
Thanks, too, for the anonymous friend who sent $25 this past week.
- THE BACKPAGE: “24” AND PRIVATE PAIN — Previously on “24” (in our BackPage Editorials), we’ve discussed courage, patient
wisdom, speaking the truth, freedom, accountability, and a sense of urgency. Today I’d like for us to focus on “private pain.” In the final episode of season 3 (originally aired May 25, 2004), as federal agent Jack Bauer completes 24 straight hours of some of the most hectic and demanding moments of his career, he climbs into his SUV, throws his keys on the dash, and pretty much collapses with the emotion of the day. The truth is, in the privacy of the moment, he weeps, sobs, and pounds his steering wheel. Everything that has happened… all the tough choices, some of which cost his peers their very lives… it all came crashing down at once. He shares his feelings with no one else. Nevertheless, in his own way, he is doing his own “debriefing.” The walkie-talkie then crackles with a request to return to headquarters and help interrogate another bad guy. After a moment of thought — just a moment — he gathers himself, answers that he’s on his way, and starts his truck. Except for a brief off-season breaks :-), his job is never done.
After watching the scene and taking in “the private pain”, the thought occurred to me that we all have probably known missionaries experiencing something similar. In fact, some of us have sat in that very seat, experiencing that same private pain in one form or another.
One thing’s for sure: we don’t all grieve in the same way. I remember a chaplain walking up to me after my father passed away. I was alone with him at the time. It was late at night. Both my brothers and my mom had already gone home. It’s true I felt the weight of the situation on my shoulders. But I didn’t cry. I didn’t even let on that I was troubled. I kept trying to make sure the doctors and nurses were doing everything they could do to help him. It was my first time to be with a living soul as he passed from life to death. The chaplain soon approached me and said, “Son, you can’t keep holding this in. Let it out. Go ahead and cry.” What he failed to understand is that not all of us process pain the same way. My advice to all the debriefers and counselors of the world is to realize that not *everyone* needs to cry or air their pain publicly in order to process it. Some of us handle it like Jack did, grieving privately. Some even handle it like I did at my father’s death, focusing on the practical rather than on the emotion itself. There’s probably no one effective way to handle heavy emotions. The important thing is that we must know ourselves well enough to predict with a bit of certainty which methods are effective and which are ineffective. Maybe nobody else will ever know for sure.
Can we spot those who are *not* handling private pain effectively? Sometimes. They hide it in alcohol or overwork. They take drugs, or become super-irritable at their spouse or children. They over- or under-eat. Any time we notice these or other radical changes of behavior following painful experiences in a friend’s life, let’s gently approach him or her. Some of us don’t know how to handle private pain. When those times come, let’s hope we can be there for those we love. So look around you. Be aware. Let’s bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
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