- YAY! SPONSORS! — Thanks loads for the anonymous sponsor who gave $100 this past week. In addition, Dial-Abroad sent $60 for November’s phone use via Andy Gray. So those phone calls are working well! Keep dialing long distance!!! The total use for Brigada talkers via his service in November was $599.45. (So he “rounded up” and gave a $60 sponsorship gift! Thanks!!!)
- IF YOU USE CLIPBOARD, TRY CLIPMATE; HELP BRIGADA — Since 1994, we’ve been using a little utility called “Clipmate” to
help us prepare each edition of Brigada Today. Now, the author of Clipmate has offered to give Brigada 1/3 of the proceeds from any sale he sees come in as a result of this ministry. You can try the program for free — for 30 days — then decide for yourself. Like I say, we’ve been using this program for 9 years and we depend on it *daily*. For $25, it’s the best deal on the planet… and $8.33 will go to Brigada to help us try to make our goal for 2003 to underwrite the cost of our new Brigada secretary. So… let’s see… we’re just $2820 short of reaching her salary goal for 2003… so if only 338 people would buy Clipmate by Dec. 31st, we’d make it!!! Lacking that, if even 338 would go to our website and use PayPal to send $8.33 directly to us — that works too! But by buying Clipmate, you get a utility that you can use *daily*. Give it a try. See the details on how we use it by going to: https://brigada.org/referrals/Clipmate.html or just click on the Clipmate link at the top of the front page of brigada.org Thanks for giving it a look … and thanks for making it possible for us to keep Brigada on-time and on your screen! Want to learn still more? Read the personal letter to Doug from the author of Clipmate: https://brigada.org/referrals/Clipmate_story.html
- COULD DIALPAD HELP YOU CALL HOME? — If you haven’t heard about DialPad, then maybe you’ll want to take a listen! If you’re overseas, it might be better than the connection you get by phone! :-) http://www.dialpad.com Check it out. It might give you free long distance to the USA from anywhere in the world. Also, if you’re going to sign up, sign up by going to sending email to Russell if caopscenter@pactec.net He’s promised to support Brigada with 5% of his income, once he starts to turn a profit.
- DID YOU HEAR THE ONE ABOUT THE EVANGELICALS GROWING? — Guess what: it wasn’t a joke! :-) According to the Religion Journal evangelicals have now grown to include some 400 million people in 123 countries, with the fastest growth now coming from Latin America and Asia. In fact, according to the article, evangelicals in Kazakhstan have increased from 40 to 12,000 in 12 years. Whoa. Similar things have happened in Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Ukraine — and yes, even in Algeria! Pray for Indonesia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, where Islamic extremists are trying to take over the country. Again, according to the article, Hindus, Buddhists and animists aren’t too far behind. See the entire source at: http://www.religionjournal.com/showbrief.asp?id=749
- TRY THESE PAGES FOR FLAGS, MAPS, AND MORE! — Thanks to Brigada participant, “Mert”, for referring us to these two websites, with city populations, basic political maps, and even flags from around the world:
(Thanks Mert!) - MISSIONARY MENTORSHIP CONFERENCE CALL – Elijah Company Missionary Mentorship’s third FREE missionary mentorship conference call is scheduled for January 8, 2004, 8:30 est. These monthly calls allow seasoned missionaries to impart needed practical advice for all those planning on missions involvement. This month the call will focus on building a support team. For call number, access code and content outline write to mentorship@elijahcompany.org or call (757) 639-2906. See website http://www.elijahcompany.org for other services.
- “CALLING IT A CRUSADE ISN’T HELPFUL” — Thanks to the reader (name withheld for sensitivity’s sake), who wrote us about last week’s item, “13) THE CHINESE CHRISTIAN CRUSADE”. He reasoned, “Here in [our land] we’ve had perhaps more exposure to this vision than Christian circles in the West. I very much doubt that the leaders would be pleased with the label ‘crusade’. That is a word we’re trying to ‘ban’ as much as possible, sandwiched as we are between two neighbors [less positive about that term].” Thanks for the feedback! We’ll hope that the campaign’s organizers can hear your heart!
- BATTERY POWERED PROJECTOR SOUGHT — Normally the _Jesus film_ is projected using a 16mm projector, powered by a small generator. But when you add the projector, gas container, generator, film reels, screen, and etc., you have accumulated well into the hundreds of pounds. Some missionaries would like to find someone to help locate or invent a battery powered, inexpensive (video) projector in order to project the Jesus film in remote village settings where carrying a 16mm projector and an electric generator is unduly burdensome. If you have a lead, email Allen PierceinEG@juno.com
- NEED SPANISH MATERIALS? — Equipping the Saints offers Spanish books, Bibles, videos, curricula and tracts. Discount pricing up to 85% on some items is available. A 32-page Spanish resource list is on the ETS web site. Check out http://www.etsusa.org In the USA call 1-540-234-6222 or email ets@rica.net for more information.
- MISSIONARY TRAINING CAMP — The next Elijah Company training camp is scheduled for February 5-8, 2004 in Virginia. These intensive times have helped solidify and energize individual missionary calls. For information regarding the camps see their website at http://www.elijahcompany.org or call (757) 639-2906 or write to info@elijahcompany.org
- NEED INEXPENSIVE MINISTRY MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT? — Since 1991, Equipping the Saints has served evangelical Christian ministries worldwide by providing information and inexpensive new and used ministry materials and equipment. Equipping the Saints can help your school, church, medical clinic, orphanage or camp with a wide variety of new or used items, at a fraction of what these would cost on the open market. Check the ETS web site at http://www.etsusa.org You may also email ets@rica.net or call in the USA 1-540-234-6222 for more information.
- TEACH ENGLISH IN CHINA — And be paid for it. A university in China near Fuzhou, is offering around 5000 RMB a month to a holder of a master or doctoral degree level instructor who will teach Oral – Aural and Business writing in English this spring semester Feb. 9 – July 7, 2004. Free accommodations. A R/T air ticket will be given with a year contract. For more information contact Rod at rodpa1@earthlink.net
- HOW TO PROJECT JESUS FILM WITH LEAST HASSLE — Normally the Jesus film is projected using a 16mm projector, powered by a small generator. But when you add the projector, gas container, generator, film reels, screen, and etc., you have accumulated well into the hundreds of pounds. Allen would love to find someone to help locating or inventing a battery powered, inexpensive (video) projector in order to project the Jesus film in remote village settings where carrying a 16mm projector and an electric generator is unduly burdensome. Anyone know of how he might get started — or if there is one already? If so, please write to Allen at PierceinEG@juno.com . He’ll let us know whatever he can come up with. Thanks!
- THE BACKPAGE: 2003 IN REVIEW — This evening I took a few minutes (several, actually :-) ) to page back through all the Brigada Today’s of 2003 (1 for each Friday in 2003). As I did, I saw some trends… so [drum roll], here are Doug’s “Picks & Pans, Tops & Trends” for 2003:
*** EASIEST SERVICE TO HATE — After being bombarded by “Plaxo-pings”, we concluded that the only good Plaxo message was one which didn’t happen.
*** MOST OPINIONATED ITEMS OF THE YEAR — Hands down… got to be those recovering “BackPage editorials”. I mean… What’s up with a guy that rants and raves so much about an online service called Plaxo? :-)
*** TOUGHEST TRADITION TO DIE — After Netscape users complained they ate up characters, we broke an 8-year tradition and stopped enclosing email addresses in pointy braces. <> :-)
*** BIGGEST LOSS OF THE YEAR — We mourned the loss of Interdev. :-( Time will tell how God will replace them. For now, I’m clueless.
*** MOST OUTSTANDING NON-MICROSOFT FILE FORMAT — Without a doubt: the PDF file, which really came into its own in 2003.
*** BIGGEST STORY THAT WASN’T? — Probably the urban legend that Fuller Theological Seminary was turning Muslim. (Dec. 19th issue, “Here’s the skinny”) :-) The rumors of its conversion were greatly exaggerated. :-)
*** MOST EFFECTIVE BAD TOOL OF THE YEAR? — Who would have imagined a Minnesota teen could accomplish so much with so little. You guessed it: the winner of this award? Worms and trojans, which ate some of our Brigada family members for lunch. They… *we* … all learned to be skeptical.
*** WORST OMEN FOR THE INTERNET — You probably thought I was going to say viruses. Not so. The worst omen is: spam.
*** MOST UNDERRATED MISSIONS TRAINING — Here’s some training you can really sink your teeth into: Dental Training for missions http://www.dentaltrainingformissions.com All dentist jokes aside… :-) … we believe this training holds tons of potential for zillions of fields, in spite of the fact that it’s woefully under-promoted.
*** BEST NEW MISSIONS SUPPORTER: SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION — During 2003, it became all the more obvious that early & active retirees were fulfilling an all-the-more valuable role around the globe, thanks, in no small way to efforts like the “Finishers Conferences” http://www.finishers.org/events
*** MOST OUTSTANDING DEATH THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN — Thank to the Lord, due in no small way to the faithfulness of some of its original staff, the Joshua Project research not only lives, it’s becoming more and more useful all the time! http://www.joshuaproject.net/
*** MOST EXPENSIVE INFORMATION NOW MADE AVAILABLE FOR FREE — We would have to hand that award to the World Christian Database online: http://www.worldchristiandatabase.org Originally published in the form of the World Christian Encyclopedia, this information set us back a couple of hundred bucks. Today, you can get it… and so much more… for free.
*** BEST REDISCOVERY OF THE YEAR — Has to be the Bethany Prayer Profiles, which we originally thought had been sucked into the vacuum of space, but were really resurrected at http://www.ksafe.com/profiles/home.html
*** “BEST CD TOOL OF THE YEAR” — That honor goes to the “Countries and Peoples of the World” CD, first reported in a Brigada exclusive on Jan 17th, promised in March, released on Aug. 8th. We dedicated an entire issue to this awesome tool. http://www.ywam.org/books/countries_and_peoples.htm
*** BEST-MADE TOTEM POLE OF THE YEAR — Fortunately for networking’s sake, peopleteams.org continued to grow. To a great extent, they enliven much of what Brigada’s email conferences always wanted to be. Three cheers for peopleteams!
*** MOST VALUABLE NEW STAFF ADDED? — That’s easy. She was the *only* new staff added! :-) During 2003, after establishing a regular habit of falling behind week after week for the past couple of years, we finally gave up and asked for help. The Brigada family responded by pitching in to help us afford a part-time Brigada secretary. The result? We caught back up the month after she started and we haven’t missed a weekend since! Yahooo! Three cheers for sponsors and kind-hearted people! :-) *Four* cheers for our Brigada Secretary!!! :-)
*** MOST VALUABLE PLAYERS OF 2003 — The gifts ranged from $10 all the way up to a one-time gift of $5000! We’re talking about Brigada sponsors, of course! The total, as of today, is $12,780… just $2820 short of our goal of $15,600 for the Brigada Secretary. Only $2820 to go! What a success story! Just a few hundred Clipmate purchases and we’re a big success. Goodness. Even if we run short, it’s still a huge success!!!*** SO FROM ALL OUR BRIGADA STAFF (both of us! :-) ) to ALL OF YOU, have a blessed, safe, and Happy New Year!!! Doug
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