- HOW MANY BRIGADA READERS ARE THERE? — Well that depends on whether or not you count the 5040 members whose addresses are currently bouncing. The moral of the story: be sure to unsubscribe from your old address before you unplug for good. Then subscribe anew from your new service once it’s up and running. There are currently about 7694 “active” or “good” addresses, meaning that we’ve seen over 12,000 different subscriber addresses down through the last few years. (Please remember: It’s easy to maintain your own address information. What’s more, there’s no way Brigada volunteers can hope to do it for you. There are just too many subscribers, too little time, too many changes. Thanks for understanding!) Would you do us a favor and help us increase our readership over these next 3 weeks? We don’t have funds for big marketing gimmicks, but we’d love to grow. If every active participant would find just one new subscriber, we could easily break back above the benchmark of 10,000 active addresses. Please help! Just suggest to your mission or church staff that they subscribe. It’s easy. All they have to do is write to <brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com>. By the way, we will never give your information to *anybody*. </brigada-today-subscribe@yahoogroups.com>
- OPTIONS FOR FILTERING YOUR INTERNET EXPERIENCE — Need good options for keeping your family … or *you* … honest on the web? (… so that you don’t get caught in the trap of looking at sites or pictures that you know you shouldn’t). One option: Check out http://www.covenanteyes.com These folks have designed software that automatically emails your accountability partners a list of the sites you’ve visited over the past month. The service will set you back about $7/month, but it’ll keep you honest. No extra cash for the moment? Try http://www.we-blocker.com The we-blocker people offer their software for free (donations suggested). They maintain both a central list of sites that are “off- limits”, as well as allow you to customize a list of “forbidden words”. Sites that contain these words are automatically blocked as well. You can over-ride those settings with a completely flexible set of conditional configurations. Great little program, little performance hits, big payoffs for your kids, family, and you. Tip: If you have trouble with this area, ask your spouse to type in the master password so you’ll enjoy filtered Internet browsing as well.
- BOOK ON HOUSEHELPERS — Have you ever wondered just how much of a help it is to hire househelp? Now you can get the lowdown without ever leaving your doorstep, by reading Beatrice Lawson’s book, “Househelps: Blessing or Curse?” Published by Africa Christian Press (Achimota, Ghana), this little booklet teaches you how to make the most of a househelper if you choose to hire one. Learn how to recruit, set up a contract, and head off potential pitfalls. To negotiate a price for your own organization or training program… or to get a copy for your own family, inquire about pricing directly with the publisher at <acpbooks@ghana.com> . </acpbooks@ghana.com>
- TESOL TRAINING & PRACTICUM AMONG THE UNREACHED -– Asia’s Center for TESOL has a five-week intensive TESOL course taught by an experienced American instructor and includes a teaching practicum among students of an unreached people group. The course dates are April 7th – May 9th, 2003. The cost is only $500 US dollars, including board, lodging, 5 books, and curriculum. The cost for Philippine citizens is P15,000 pesos. The course combines the academic with the practical. For more information write to Melody <kzkuka@jmf.org.ph> or Box 1415 QCCPO, Quezon City 1154, Philippines 632-658-3807. </kzkuka@jmf.org.ph>
- SUPPORT RAISING CONFERENCE — If you are searching for funds and personal support, take in the 2-day People Raising Coaches Clinic, March 21-22! Register by Feb 21st and save $50. Some claim this course has helped them raise funds in half the time. In addition, network with other Christian leaders responsible for coaching their staff in support raising. For more information or to register on-line go to http://www.peopleraising.com/conf_bas_mar2003.cfm or e-mail <bill@peopleraising.com>. </bill@peopleraising.com>
- UNIQUE PLAYER HELPS ILLITERATES TO HEAR THE GOSPEL — Gospel Recordings, a mission which produces evangelism tools in over 5,500 languages, will have a new supply of 20,000 TapeTalk hand-wind players by February 2003. These unique cassette players do not need batteries or external electricity in order to play. They can be supplied along with cassettes containing gospel messages in over 5,500 languages and dialects. The players can be sent to your missionary, or used in your Sunday School class to help children pray for Unreached Peoples.
For more information on the players and the languages, check out the Gospel Recordings web site at http://www.gospelrecordings.com or email <orders@gospelrecordings.com> In the USA, you can call 1-888-44-GRUSA toll free. </orders@gospelrecordings.com>
- ISLAMIC STUDIES IN ASIA 2003 — The 6th annual Institute Of Islamic Studies will convene April 07 to May 30, 2003, at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines. Earn up to 9 graduate credits. *Course 1 “Introduction to Islam”: Week 1 – Historical Background (Dr. Ken Ferguson); Week 2 – Contemporary Issues (Dr. Stuart Robinson); Week 3 – Folk Islam (Dr. Rick Love). *Course 2 “Apologetics in Muslim Contexts”: Week 4 – Answering Islamic Objections (Rev. Ezekiel Joshua); Week 5 – Bridging from Qur’anic Material (Rev. Harry Morin). *Course 3 “Approaches to Islam”: Week 6 – Practical Approach (Rev. Joseph Cumming); Week 7 – Women’s Issues in Islam (Dr. Miriam Adeney); Week 8 – Contextual Approach (Dr. Phil Parshall). *E-mail <apts@agmd.org> <michael.langford@agmd.org> *Telecom (63)(74) 422-6977. *Fax (63)(74) 442-7068. *Web: http://www.apts.edu/ Registration deadline: March 01, 2003. michael.langford@agmd.org></apts@agmd.org>
- RESTORATION FOR CHURCH PLANTERS — Church Planting Coaches http://cpcoaches.com has established a refuge on the Island of Malta. Part of the vision the Lord has given them is a “Bed and Breakfast” for church planters who need a break from the difficult pioneer fields in which they work. Available now is hospitality consisting of a beautifully appointed bedroom with private bath and outdoor patio nook, with additional beds available for groups larger than one or two. Room and board are provided on a suggested donation basis. Availability varies and booking priority is given to YWAM church planters, though they are happy to serve others too! The house is just minutes from beaches and Malta’s other attractions. http://visitmalta.com Imagine what a refreshment of body, mind, spirit, vision and purpose will come as you walk in the Apostle Paul’s footsteps on Malta. The host family are experienced church planters and trainers and are ready to provide as much coaching and counsel as the individual or team desires. They look forward to receiving your inquiries. Email:
. </cpcoaches@cpcoaches.com> - ALL 150 EASYENGLISH PSALMS ARE NOW READY — Get all 150 of Gordon Churchyard’s very popular Psalms, which are in EasyEnglish level A from http://www.easyenglish.info . More information on Wycliffe Associates (UK) and their EasyEnglish may be obtained from <martin@easyenglish.info> . </martin@easyenglish.info>
- CHRISTIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE — Do you want to minister to the poor, but are not sure what to do next? If so, consider taking in the second annual Christian Economic Development Institute running from May 19-30, 2003, and sponsored by the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, USA (10 minutes from Chattanooga, TN). Recognized by many as the leading expert on urban missions, Dr. Ray Bakke, Executive Director of Urban International Associates, is the keynote speaker. Apply now as space is limited. For more information, log on at http://www.chalmers.org or write <cedi@covenant.edu>, or call 706.419.1805. </cedi@covenant.edu>
- MEMBER CARE IN CRISIS SITUATIONS AND DEBRIEFING WORKSHOP — What constitutes a “crisis situation?” How can your organization best respond? How can we use “Peer Responders” to care for people in crisis? These and other questions will be the topics of this year’s expanded Member Care in Crisis Situations Workshop, sponsored by the Member Care department of Wycliffe International. The workshop will include peer- to-peer debriefing training and practice and would be valuable for administrators, member care personnel, or church mission committee personnel. The six-day workshop will be held in Dallas, Texas, USA, April 28-May 3, 2003. Costs of the workshop include a $100 registration fee and approximately $140 room/board. Participation is limited. For information or reservations contact
. </member_care_intl@wycliffe.org> - NEW SHORT-TERM MISSION BOOK -— “Maximum Impact Short-Term Mission (MISTM)” is a 250+ page book for any person with a leadership, teaching, receiving, or planning role in short-term mission. MISTM provides a solid framework for understanding, structuring, and planning short-term missions done right! Scheduled for release in March 2003. Order pre-press by January 31 for $14.99 with free shipping. After January 31, MISTM retails for $19.99 plus shipping. Order online or by phone from STEM Press http://www.STEMmin.org Toll-free 1-877-STEM-min, or 952-996-1385 For more information call or email <mistmbook@stemmin.org> . </mistmbook@stemmin.org>
- HOW TO TRANSFER MONEY TO & FROM THE FIELD — Here’s Greg’s summary of the responses he received regarding how to transfer money to and from the mission field. (Item 4 in the Dec. 27th, ’02, Brigada Today, entitled, “HOW DO YOU WIRE YOUR FUNDS?”): “Put money in US bank account and have person use debit card or credit card in receiving country at an ATM or bank (7 mentions) This was clearly the cheapest and quickest. You just have to be careful who has access to the account and in a few places it can be hard to find an ATM or a bank that will advance local money against your card. Others suggested the old standby… Western Union (4 Mentions). Reliable but not cheap. Can be done on the web. Another response: Wire transfer to bank in receiving country (2 mentions), which is a bit costly and if the money gets lost (and they do) banks will not accept responsibility. Finally, one party mentioned actually hand-carrying the funds. So… no real surprises. Maybe we’ll see more developments on this in the next decade, but for now, it seems we’re stuck with these old standbys. (Thanks Greg!)
- NEED INSURANCE FOR SHORT- OR LONG-TERMS OVERSEAS? — Try Talent Trust Consultants (TTc). They are an international ministry serving Church and Missions workers with dedicated and affordable worldwide medical insurance. Established 12 years ago as an independent ministry serving alongside YWAM, TTc now supports more than 1,400 members and their families from over 260 missions and churches. A number of programmes are available, all of which can be uniquely tailored to suit your individually needs. Write to <sara@talent-trust.com> or visit http://www.talent-trust.com . </sara@talent-trust.com>
- BI-LINGUAL RESOURCE FOR CHILDREN — Aventura Asombrosa is a bi- lingual, Spanish/English, Bible study for children by Through The Bible Publishers. Children’s ministries that have a mix of Spanish-speaking and English-speaking kids will find this resource useful. It is also an easy-to-use tool for missions groups since English speaking missionaries have the English and Spanish text in the same book. My Awesome Adventure, the English-only version, has been recommended by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Check out http://www.DiscipleLand.com for more information and a FREE sample lesson. E-mail requests to <myeh@discipleland.com> or call toll free in the USA or via Net2Phone from elsewhere 1-800-284-0158 or call 970-484- 8483. myeh@discipleland.com>
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