- MISSIONS MAPS ON CD-ROM AVAILABLE NOW! — GMI has just released WorldVue: The Great Commission Map Collection, containing over 500 maps and graphs in popular digital graphics formats. All the missions themes from GMI’s overhead transparency sets are included, plus political maps of each country and region. View them on screen, print them, or copy and paste them into your electronic documents. No royalty fees are required to use the images for most Christian ministry purposes. For Windows and Mac, WorldVue sells for $39.95, but for Brigada Today subscribers we have negotiated the special price of *$29.95* (plus shipping and tax) for orders placed by June 22. To order, go to http://www.gmi.org/brigada or contact Lorri at <info@gmi.org> or phone 719-531- 3599. </info@gmi.org>
- CATCH THE POTENTIAL OF THOSE MAPS — I hope you were able to imagine the potential of that map software in the item above. I’ll give you an example. My CD came on a Friday. I grabbed it and headed out the door for a weekend speaking engagement to a church of 2000. By Sunday morning, my presentation was practically *revolutionized* by the inclusion of richly-researched maps about the country I was highlighting in my message. It doesn’t really matter which part of the world you have to cover — this one’s got at least *something* on just about *everywhere*. There are GIFs, TIFs, and a ton of other formats… with all different pixel ratios and sizes, so it’ll adapt to the level of resolution and clarity you need. And the interface couldn’t be simpler. The maps aren’t locked into some kind of weird format that forces you to send royalty payments to the authors every time you turn around. Get this — there are *hundreds*, maybe *thousands* of maps on this CD — and they’re all available for this one $30 price. I bought a CD not long ago from a commercial vendor for $60… something like “Coolmaps” or whatever. I’ve barely used it. The maps weren’t as focused on missions… and frankly, it just wasn’t as easy to implement. If you’re a mobilizer — or if you’re a goer — either way, if you print brochures, newsletters, or flyers, get this CD. I guarantee you’ll find something useful within one month. If you don’t, send it back to GMI and I bet they’ll cheerfully refund your money. And in case you were wondering, I don’t work for them — and they’re not giving me any kind of benefit “cut” for this announcement. I’m just one beggar telling another where to find bread. :-)
- LEARN ABOUT HINDUS — A two-week Summer course entitled Christian Witness in the Hindu World will be held at Fuller Theological Seminary, 135 North Oakland, Pasadena, California, from June 24 to July 5, 2002. This course provides an overview of 1) the Hindu World, 2) Hinduism¹s globalization, 3) its relationship to Christianity in the Indian Sub- continent, 4) Christian evangelization attempts in the past, 5) various contextual questions arising, and 6) proposals for finding a new way forward. See the Fuller website for full details: http://www.fuller.edu . It is possible to register on-line. Any questions, please contact Christine Cervantes at the Fuller School of World Mission: <swm-acadprogdir@dept.fuller.edu>
- BRAND NEW DONOR TACKING PROGRAM FROM PEOPLE RAISING — If your organization is like ours, one of the most common problems you face is training new staff people how to find ministry partners, then equipping them with tools that can help them succeed. Now you can reduce the time it takes to raise support as you use the People Raising Tracking Program. In one program are 5 reports. You can prioritize your prospects and donors, estimate donor capacity, develop a weekly strategic plan, measure your fundraising time and effort, track dollars raised, and follow your donors giving patterns. It is available at a special introductory price of only $9.99 http://www.peopleraising.com/tools.cfm#tracking or e-mail <bill@peopleraising.com> . </bill@peopleraising.com>
- MISSIONS TRAINING + FRENCH LANGUAGE LEARNING — Come experience French language learning and culture during a bilingual 5-month Discipleship Training School in Quebec. The three months of practical teaching (including modules on Relief & Development, Missions, Evangelism & Reconciliation) prepare you for two months of creative outreach in a foreign culture. You receive 20 credits from University of the Nations transferable to many other institutions. The school begins September 29. The cost is $2,200 U.S. plus travel expenses. For more information contact Jacques at YWAM Dunham <jemdunham@endirect.qc.ca> or check it out at: http://dunham.jemquebec.ca . </jemdunham@endirect.qc.ca>
- EASY ENGLISH ROLLS COMMENTARY ON LUKE THROUGH CHECKING — Hilda Bright’s commentary and text for Luke are often downloaded. So too, are her similar works on Mark, Titus, Jude & 2 Peter. But LUKE joins her Philippians in finishing Advanced Checking. Level B EasyEnglish has a lexicon of 2,800 words. It is for pastors and Bible Study leaders, who do not have English as their mother-tongue. Download Luke and over 50 other commentaries and translators helps from Wycliffe Associates (UK) at http://www.easyenglish.info . This service is free of charge. And so is supplying our materials by email or on CDs. More information from <martin@easyenglish.info>. </martin@easyenglish.info>
- GET INVOLVED AT KOREAN LANGUAGE CAMPS — Mission to Unreached Peoples is looking for servant hearts to lead Korean Language Camps. Participants must be strong in their walk with the Lord so they can be good witnesses to students. Students and teachers will have opportunities to develop relationships outside of class time. Housing and food will be provided by the school. They’d love to find Koreans who speak English, but they’ll take *anyone*. If you have a heart to see the lost won in Mongolia for Jesus, don’t wait! Inquire now at Mission to Unreached Peoples! Contact Jeff at 1-888-847-6950 or (206) 781-3151 or check us out at http://www.mup.org. Our email address is <mupinfo@mup.org> </mupinfo@mup.org>
- “OSCAR” INFORMATION SERVICE LAUNCHES NEW SECTION — OSCAR, the UK Information Service for World Mission, this month launches a new section of the OSCAR website called the ‘Supporter Index’.
This section is specifically for those who are, or wish to be, involved in supporting or facilitating world mission. You’ll be amazed at what you can do without even leaving your home! There is information on the different ways you can assist and support mission work including a comprehensive listing of UK world mission events. A sub-section on communications includes advice and links for using the Internet, email, telephone and post for keeping in touch with folk around the world.
The launch of this new section comes one month after the successful launch of OSCAR’s Mission Mobilisers Forum that has been buzzing with activity ever since. To access the OSCAR website, go to http://www.oscar.org.uk.
- NEED POWER FOR THAT LAPTOP? TRY SOLAR! — Now you can — somewhat affordably. Check out the Portable Solar Charger, which can power a broad range of 6- and 12-volt devices. It even comes with a variety of male and female plug adaptors for laptops and cell phones. All for just $80. For more information, see http://www.isunpower.com
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