We are *sooooo* thankful to Steve, Judd, Doug, Roxann, Ksenia, Svetlana, David, Caleb, Jenniver, and Matthew — who all traveled recently having purchased trip interruption insurance through Insurance Services of America. As a result, their trips were fully insured, meaning that, in case of a misconnect — even due to *weather* — or sickness or anything, ISA would cover essentially just about any cost whatsoever — including having to purchase alternative flights, hotels, taxis, virtually *anything*. A couple of years ago, I called the night before my departing flight out of Banja Luka, Bosnia and, to my complete shock, the Bosnian airline had just arbitrarily cancelled my outbound flight, meaning that my entire trip home would have been nixed. :-( (No chocolate chip cookies. That would have been the worst.) As it turned out, I had to take a 3-hour taxi to Croatia to catch a flight. Under any other circumstances, but fortunately, I had bought a policy for the trip from ISA. Believe it or not, ISA covered every cost. From that day on, I made up my mind… Trip interruption insurance is worth it, even for the peace of mind to know that — if you ever have to take a taxi to the next country over, you’re covered. And it’s so simple. Just go to this link and fill out the form:


You’ll also find that it’s more affordable than you think, especially when you go purchasing taxi cabs to the next country! :-) What’s more, every purchase is a blessing to Brigada. Those folks got the trip interruption insurance coverage and Brigada received $161.54!!! Yahooo!