In the December 11th edition of Brigada (at, we reported on a platform we referred to as “The Perfect CRM.” We updated this story in the Feb. 19th edition ( Today, roughly 3 months later, we’re updating the story again to say – it’s still good news. We’re inviting our international workers onto the platform daily. Today, one of our Team Leaders in Central Asia was sharing about the coalition he was building for a media-to-movement outreach. I reminded him of the new CRM and suggested that he might want to build a project or work group. He expressed interest, but added that many in the coalition were not employees of our organization. I reminded him that our new CRM allowed us to invite unlimited external guests into a work group. His eyebrows raised.

I’m telling you – this is a great contact relationship manager.

We’ve been able to construct a ton of automated processes now in the “Pipeline” feature of the “Deals” component. We’ve moved all our application procedures and our online forms into the CRM and we’re still loving it. It runs fast and never complains, no matter what we throw at it. The customer support staff members have been super-responsive, normally answering in 7 minutes or so. We’ve “democratized development,” giving each department special training in creating automated processes. One of our team members agreed to serve as a trainer for others. Yesterday, he compared his job to being a “Maytag Repairman,” implying that very few team members need his help.


The cost? It’s working out to be just over $1 per employee per month. By contrast, other CRMs with similar features can be 12 times as much… or *50* times the cost. So please, before signing up with Salesforce (which is less intuitive and, frankly, not as fully featured), try Bitrix24. You won’t regret it.

Check it out when you get a chance. . We receive nothing as a result of writing this recommendation. We are not paid any affiliate fee. You don’t even have to use the link above. We are “one beggar telling another where to find bread,” or, in this case, where to find unlimited contacts, unlimited leads, unlimited deals, unlimited work groups, unlimited projects, 3 TB of online storage, and a whole lot more.