Our org has always wanted to offer a comprehensive, yet affordable group health plan, organization-wide. The problem was, with just 300 missionaries or so, our census was never big enough to make it affordable enough to be practical. At least — not until now, we hope. (Although we’re still trying to digest all the details.) This past week, Missio Nexus went public with their new group health plan. The idea (which they made public at last fall’s conference) was to pull together enough organizations that the census became big enough that orgs could finally average out all the medical problems with big enough org charts globally. With thousands of international worker participating, we would have to admit — the rates are finally competitive. Of course, now if we can just understand all the substeps and sequences in transitioning over. Learn more at…
And please post the story of your possible transition here, below, in the comments. We’re all interested in learning how to make the switch!
Doug, you sure know how to get our attention! Thanks for noting Missio Benefits to Brigada readers.
The website is live, and anybody can fill out the Get Started to make a serious inquiry. I have asked our partner, Enterprise Risk Strategies, to put together a more detailed step-by-step instruction guide and that will be up on the website soon.
Just today there was a meeting in Colorado with about 50 ministries. It was exciting to hear the questions and see the momentum build. I hope that folks will take a serious look because this is one way that our combined number can make a difference.
If anybody wants a call from our team, just email me or make a “contact us” note on the Missio Nexus website.
Ted, thanks for jumping in. The Mission Benefits folks have been very responsive. Exciting. We’re hoping to be in that number by July 1st!