We were recently able to attend one of the Issachar events. These events are called together by Finishing the Task. You can learn more here:
FTT does a great job helping everyone lay aside their own respective banners in favor of the united task of funding initiatives for the unengaged. All the money that is pledged goes into one pot that FTT leadership oversees and parcels out to help with initiatives to major swaths of unengaged unreached people groups. For example, in one event around a year ago, they raised a million dollars, which funded teams working with 58 different unengaged groups in Nepal. We’re thankful for statesmen like Paul Eshleman. He’s not afraid to lead, but he seems never to seek glory or power. The genius of Finishing the Task is that it’s a network, rather than a super-organization raising money for itself. We attended Issachar in an attempt to understand the culture and to attempt to work more in harmony with Finishing the Task’s directives. Learn more about Finishing the Task at…
Yes, this is a very North American (engineering) focus, as are many of these mobilization initiatives, perhaps. But at the end of the day, if it results in greater penetration of the Good News of Christ among some of the more distant shores for the Gospel, is that not a win for the Kingdom? What’s your take on Issachar and FTT in general? Click “Comment” following the web or app version of this item to share your opinion or ask questions. Thanks in advance for your participation in Brigada.
Just a correction, Doug. FTT is an Initiative of Issachar, not the other way around. FTT is a network of church planting organizations engaging unreached people groups around the world. It also researched progress and reports it on behalf of the global church.