Peter Greer and Chris Horst seek to help faith-based organizations make sure they do not drift from their founding mission; in other words, make sure they stay Mission True (the authors use that term a lot). The authors give examples (sort of case studies) of orgs, schools, etc. that they say have drifted – Harvard, ChildFund and the Y – and others that have remained true, i.e. World Relief, Compassion, Taylor University, etc.). There is a survey to determine whether or not your org is drifting in intentionality, clarity, guidelines, suggestions to help the org remain Mission True, I.e. knowing why you exist, developing true leadership within the org from the board down, measuring what matters (it’s not always growth or money that should be the measure of success), maintaining the right culture, and (get this!) recognizing that the local church anchors a thriving mission. In conclusion, the authors wonder what would have happened if these orgs that drifted would have remained Mission True, which, in essence is standing firm on the Truth of the Gospel and not wavering from the initial purpose of sharing it, being committed to Christ above all, not hiring for technical competency alone, never soft-pedaling Christian identity. Check it out at…
(Thanks for this book review, Betty!)
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