DSCN1099-webresNow you can join a planet-wide get-together real-time. On April 17th, 8:30pm EDT (7:30pm CDT, 12:30am UCT on Apr. 18th), the Unleashed for the Unreached initiative (the same group that is staging the “Wall of Unreached Peoples” as a traveling exhibit around the country) is coordinating a “live” prayer event in conjunction with other world Christians, no matter where they live on the planet. (Will there be dozens?… or scores? or hundreds? Or will there be thousands?) Legacy Christian Church (Overland Park, KS, USA) has graciously agreed to stream the event “live” to the entire planet, with live footage from 58 simul-sync’d remote prayer sites throughout the world. One of the sites will be located on the border of Lebanon. A network of over 1000 Syrians will be participating ‘live,’ praying not only for Syria, but for each of the other sites and for unreached peoples worldwide. Also confirmed, a worker in the mountains of Morocco. Another in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. There are mega-churches and churches of 20 people, all sizes, all shapes, all cultures. To learn more, visit…


or find the page on Facebook at…


There’s now a one-minute promo video to show at your church or group.

You’re invited! Take part in this event so you’ll know how to replicate it for your agency, church, denomination, or movement. (We’re not concerned about others duplicating the event. We’re PRAYING they will!) If all goes well, the PrayerCast concept will open a global convention at the Kansas City Convention Center in November (the International Conference on Missions). This is like a proof of concept and a “dress rehearsal,” all at the same time. The technology is there. We just need to utilize it to make it happen. “Lord, please make us one so that the world may be won!”