The International Wholistic Missions Conference invited Doug this year to lead the morning prayer sessions with a focus on the unreached. Doug organized the prayer time around two different vantage points, the first of which was prayer for unreached peoples. In an effort to give delegates something tangible – a visual symbol of the progress we’re making plus the task remaining, Doug used the new 2023 version of the Wall of the Unreached, available at Unleashed for the Unreached (just browse to and click “Book the Wall”). Delegates could post stickers to “adopt” or “engage” with a particular people group, pray at the wall, and write prayers on “post-it prayers.” There’s an entire panel dedicated to Frontier Peoples, complete with a QR Code that takes visitors directly to an online page for real-time interaction. The Wall generated a lot of buzz – and several attenders are now planning to use it in their next conference or event. (See Item 8 for the other lense.)