In a recent gathering of the Wednesday-night three-thirds group that I facilitate, we were studying in the “Look Up” portion from Matthew 3. One of our group members has had a pretty challenging life – but his life has now been transformed by Jesus and His amazing grace. When we came to verse 12 (in Matthew 3), he read the verse – “His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire,” then looked up and said to the group, “Boy, it sure sounds like God will be ready to take out the trash.” In my “obey, train and share,” I committed to mentioning to you, my friends, how urgent our worldwide work is. M friend now knows what has to be done. He understands the stakes. He loves it that you are serving where you are – to make sure the people in your neck of the woods have a chance to hear about Jesus before God comes to “take out the trash.” Yikes. Thanks for your work and witness.