In this 50-minute talk from January 2023, David Platt (author of the book, Radical), offers a 10-part plan for helping you and your church “go missional,” both around the block and around the world. The 10 parts are:
1. Preach the unfading Word of God in view of the unreached world.
2. Call people to a supreme love of Jesus and radical identification with him, for missions is the overflow of that.
3. Reorient local discipleship around the global purpose of God.
4. Train and empower people to make biblical disciples and multiply biblical churches without dependence on performances, programs, and professionals.
5. Lead the church to pray and fast for that which can only be accomplished by the Spirit.
6. Send missionaries to the unreached from your local church.
7. Promote multiple avenues for people to go to the unreached (on short-, mid-, and long-term trips).
8. Give wisely, generously, and sacrificially from the local church to missions.
9. Prioritize urgent spiritual needs in the world, while providing for physical needs.
10. Prepare people to suffer and die and shepherd them amid suffering and death as they make disciples among all the nations.
These 50 minutes will not be wasted. Run, don’t walk, to hear this talk at