…gifts this past week of $50, $20, $20, and $21.10. In addition, a “True Fan” of Brigada gave $103.48 (in the name of https://www.valeo.global/), and two other partners gave in the name of two True Fans of Brigada ($250 and $250), while a final donor pitched in for FIVE “True Fans” of Brigada $515.38 (!!!!!) on behalf of https://gnpi.org/. In addition, a True Double-Fan of Brigada sent $206.46 with a note that read, “We are thankful for your efforts to help the Body of Christ (collectively) know what the Body of Christ knows (more individualistically). Thanks for constantly trying to accelerate everyone. May God bless you.” Thanks so much for empowering and encouraging Brigada! Want to join them? Just click to https://brigada.org/empower-brigada. God bless you!!!
9) We’re Grateful for…

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