Mission Interchange is happening this Monday (Nov. 14th, 5:30 to 7:30 pm ET — online)! The theme will be: Mobilize! By the time the two hours are done, you’ll hopefully have the path, the strategy and the plan to help your church become a mobilizing church to pray, link, serve and send Good News to the nations! Missoin Interchange is a conference dedicated to the intrepid volunteers who gladly serve on mission committees, mission teams, and short-term mission trips globally. With the help of innovative and professional missions pastors/ministers/directors, Mission Interchange will provide you with ideas and inspiration to improve your church’s missions program and accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission. You’ll find out what others are doing and hear exciting case studies. You’ll also be able to share what you and your church have learned with others. Mission Interchange will become a network that provides you with a storehouse of knowledge and “fellow strugglers” who face the same challenges and opportunities you face at your church every week. To view the agenda, go to: http://www.u4theu.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/agenda-2022-11-10.pdf.  To register, go to www.MissionInterchange.com.