During one brief season each year, we invite caring friends to chip in on the costs of making Brigada a reality. Today – now – is that time. True partners can just click to https://brigada.org/empower-brigada and click “Donate.” It’s that easy. (Those who would prefer to give by check could make it out to Team Expansion, Acct. 1002, 13711 Willow Reed Dr, Louisville, KY 40299.) Curious about what Brigada is? Wondering where the money goes? Just click “Read more” for the details.

Since January 25th, 1995, Brigada has been informing Great Commission Christians about our great global quest: giving hope and help to those who need it most. During its initial 3 or 4 years, Brigada sought to create email discussion groups that would unify like-minded pilgrims in reaching specific pockets of people. Thankfully, now there are several specialist websites dedicated to that task. In more recent years, Brigada has honed in on what it always did best for Christians in God’s Great Cause:

  • Identify & promote helpful resources, conferences, websites, agencies, individuals, etc.
  • Analyze & capsulate in lay terms the current trends in global mission, along with their potential impact on the world of missions
  • Challenge & motivate evangelical Christians toward greater involvement in finishing the Task of global evangelism

In short, Brigada seeks to inspire, mobilize, and equip others toward world evangelism, thereby forming a kind of “brigade” so that, shoulder to shoulder, we can all the more quickly finish the Task that Jesus assigned us in Matthew 28:19-20.

Over the 28 years, we’ve evolved into a rhythm. For example, we now know it costs around $17,000 per year. We’ve learned that we can’t just buy a portion of a shared server. That kind of site bogs down when multiple readers search, read, and interact with the rich 28-year history of resources on Brigada site. Buying a dedicated server box, maintaining it professionally 24/7, mirroring it to redundant locations all over the world, protecting it from denial-of-service attacks (which happen moment-by-moment every day of the year), covering all the subscriptions and the costs of a part-time assistant — they all add up to $17K. Never more … but never less. God has always allowed us to forge on. But you can be his hands and feet today if He prompts you to do so. Thanks for your partnership. https://brigada.org/empower-brigada

Doug Lucas
Tina McCormick
and the entire Brigada family