Want to start a fight among mobile/digital photograhers? Just ask them which is the best photo app. There are zillions. But in our opinion, nothing beats Adobe Lightroom for manipulating high-res images in-app, post-processing. Lightroom might not be the cheapest, but it’s arguably the best. See the iOS version at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-lightroom-photo-editor/id878783582. Android is available now too. Both are free — sort of.
Also check out FirstLight from the folks who brought us the very best mobile video shooting app, FiLMiC Pro.
Lightroom is, indeed, a great mobile photo editing app, but its feature set is crippled without a paid Adobe Photography plan ($10/mo gets you Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Photoshop, Photoshop Express and – most people don’t realize it – Adobe Spark — best software subscription deal on the planet): https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/photography.html.
BTW, those wanting to learn a bit more about shooting images and/or video, check out the free curriculum from the Mobile Ministry Forum at http://www.mobmin.org/train (under the DIY Media section). Also check Mission Media Coach at http://www.mobmin.org/mmc.
Wow – it had been some time since we’ve tried FirstLight. They’ve come sooooooooo far with it. I think, in my book, Lightroom still beats it for post-processing (integrated) – but I have to admit… FirstLight’s capturing interface is soooooooooo intuitive and powerful! You’re right though – if a person isn’t already paying the $10/month photography plan, FirstLight takes the cake. Thanks Brian!