For the last 8 weeks of 2015, we’ll be running a series by the title above. If you have a story, answered prayer, opportunity found, or other testimony about Brigada, would you please send it to us by emailing it to please?
A few years back when fax machines were the primary form for ordering books and maps, one org told us they always made sure they loaded their fax machine full of paper the night before a Brigada item was going to run. If they didn’t, they said they’d come into the office only to find out their fax machine ‘memory’ was maxed out with new orders. Another time, they said the “new fax” bin on their machine had run over with orders, with new orders spilling out all over the floor. Of course, these days, with web forms and emails, we no longer have to worry about bins and paper, thank the Lord. But there are still just as many great resources, opportunities, motivations, trends, and more. Thanks for being a part of Brigada!