I continue to enjoy working with Nozbe, a software application designed to help you track and execute tasks and projects. I like it because…

*** You can ‘hide’ tasks that you don’t want to see yet. You can make them “pop up” when it’s time to start worrying about them.

*** When you “check off” a task, it doesn’t immediately go away. It gets crossed off and drops to the bottom of the list.

*** You can attach an infinite amount of comments to each task.

*** You can turn a task into a project, then design integral tasks under it.

*** It’s a web app, viewable through your browser. But it’s also a desktop app, viewable even when you don’t have access to the web. It’s also a smartphone app (available in iOS (iphone), android, and Windows phone), an iPad app, and yes — all those are fully functional even when you don’t have wi-fi or a cell signal… and then they sync with the web app and everything else.

*** You can nest your tasks in an unlimited amount of projects, or not. The choice is yours.

*** You can also use “contexts,” allowing, for example, to mark certain tasks that should show up when you’re driving or at home or at the office — because you might only be able to do them at those respective locations. If you’re not there, they aren’t visible.

*** You can attach to do items to particular dates, or — just allow them to be loose (meaning you do them whenever you can get time).

*** Nozbe is completely “team friendly,” meaning that you can see what others are doing, assign tasks to those who serve on your team, and receive assignments from the folks who supervise you. You can ask questions of team members, who can then answer you — without having to resort to unrelated email threads.

*** The whole environment is encrypted, so no matter where you are in the world, only you will see your tasks and projects as you complete them all.

You can learn more at


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