Then it’s time to update our list. Without a doubt, some of Brigada’s most requested back-issues include those which have featured “Cool Tools for Travel.” So today, we feature the 2010 version, with the humble request that you help us improve it. With the growth of the web, it’s going to be virtually impossible to list all the great Cool Tools in one edition of Brigada, but let’s at least get the list started. Here are a few dozen Cool Tools, all listed here on one page:


Please use the Comment box below the item to add or detract from any of the items mentioned. Remember, this file is the 2010 version, so some of this stuff is two years old and we NEED to update it. Please use the Comments instead of emailing me directly so, in this way, your input will be available IMMEDIATELY. We recommend you mention only one URL in each comment because our spammer filter won’t feature items that look like spam. Thanks for your understanding.