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*** Promotional items regarding upcoming conferences or classes
*** Announcements about new books
*** Mission opportunities
*** Items about ‘cool tools’ (the latest gadgets for missionaries)
*** Training items and upcoming conferences/classes
*** The BackPage editorial
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All the above! Yes, keep it up. Great resource.
You did not mention the self-promo side of BT. I have found sometimes the appeals for funding are a bit too frequent. Occasionally is alright, if this is the way you feel you must find funding for BT, but multiple references can be off-putting. Maybe it’s my cultural background, I don’t know. Not sure what to suggest, but just sayin’ … I find it grates sometimes.
God bless Doug and thanks for what you do!
Thanks for the input, Bryan. We’ll try to keep it in the best taste possible — and remember, once we reach the maximum amount permitted for the year ($17K for the entire ministry), we stop receiving gifts and put a gag in our mouth for the entire remainder of that year. So the truth is, it’s not self-promo “ad infinitum.” Only until the goal is reached for that 12-month period. Then it all silences. Period. I don’t know of too many ministries with that promise. We’d sure love to see that concept implemented. One single donor, blessed by God, “buying” a full year of Brigada for the entire rest of the world. Then there’d be peace on earth. :-)
Like it just as it is. Thanks for your service, Doug. You are amazing! My hero!!! :)
All of the above. Of course, many of the promotions don’t apply, but I never know which one will apply.
I love what you do with Brigada!
1. Promotional items regarding upcoming conferences or classes.
2. Training items and upcoming conferences/classes.
Brigada remains one of the few services that reaches a wide missions audience. Wish it would reach even more, as there is no other alternative to hearing about what’s happening. Great jobs y’all.
I appreciate all of what you send. I’m always copying certain resources for myself and my staff. Brigada has a wealth of info and even though I don’t use everything, I always appreciate knowing what’s out there even outside of my specific interest. Keep up the good work.
I have used each of these at different times in my ministry. By keeping all of them, you have kept my interest as my interests changed.
Publishing all of those types of articles in a succinct weekly format is a winning combination! Thanks for this Kingdom service!
I have never attended a conference because I saw it on Brigada, but I have purchased cool online gadgets, apps, and tools you have showcased. However, I wouldn’t change the service.
The six topics you listed in this post and regularly include are very helpful.
In addition….
I assume the audience for Brigada is geographically diverse. Many times, mission-minded individuals are “on their own”, doing their best to engage in what God is doing globally. In that case, Brigada is a regular “lifeline”, so-to-speak, of activity taking place out in the wider world.
Given this, two other subject areas might be a great resource once in a while:
1. Networking opportunities: somehow highlighting how individuals, churches and mission organizations from a regional area can connect.
2. Many Christians that I meet think that the church is not growing anywhere in the world. They are unaware of what God is doing globally. For mission mobilizers and advocates, having links to sites that provide regular, genuine updates briefly describing what is happening in the mission field can be a great for building mission vision in our local churches.
Great input from everybody above. Keep the ideas coming — and we’ll try to keep “catching up” on that pesky publishing date, too. :-)
Keep up the good work! I especially like items about upcoming conferences, announcenments about new bookd and the BackPage.